Article Marketing is becoming one of my biggest traffic bringers, mainly because of the pure availability of free article submission sites. I've signed up to over 20 article submission sites now and it's proving to really draw in the traffic. The various ways you can use articles to gain more traffic are endless, so I will list my specific method here.
Here is my top list of sites to submit to:
1.) Ezine Articles
2.) Go Articles
3.) A1 Articles
4.) Add-Articles
5.) Article Alley
6.) Article Bar
For each time you make a Blog post, format it into an article and submit to as many Article sites as you can manage. Since I have My Article Submitter, it's much easier to get this done, and I can manage HUNDREDS of Article sites. Since each article you submit is going to contain a link back to your website, you will get TONS of traffic, for NO work at all.
What happens when you read an interesting article and you see a link at the bottom? Most people think to themselves "I wonder what else could be on this site?" This of course leads to investigation. Curiosity is key here everyone. Human curiosity almost always leads to free traffic because even if the person who clicks your link doesn't see much interesting to them, they obviously gave your site a shot and will most likely check back to see if you have added any new content.
This is where the article submission goes hand-in-hand with that curiosity. Since they had interest in that first article, as long as you keep submitting new posts, you can expand the amount of intrigue in your site and increase your traffic even further than with just the articles alone.
If you would like more information on the Article Submitter mentioned before, you can either visit this post here, or you can send me an email about purchasing it from me through PayPal.
Remember everyone, articles are free traffic that you can constantly update every time you make a new post, which means more and more opportunity for traffic!
The True Power Of Water
I am just an average teenage girl, living the average life of a very busy high school student trying to survive junior year. However, I do not view the world and my relationships as an average anything. As a small child, I was always truly happy and made the absolute best out of every situation naturally. I found every excuse to smile which formed the personality and reputation I have today. Today, this great happiness and joy of life just isn't naturally there anymore. I still try to make the best out of every situation, but that's just it, I have to try at it. From my experience, as you get older, the world around you truly isn't as kind to you and, naturally, the worst is expected of people. Since rude remarks and things such as this are expected, when someone does a small random act of kindness for you, it can mean a lot. I try to do little things each day that could help someone have a better day. I think that if everyone could try to do at least one small random act of kindness each day it would make their surroundings happier, which will make them happier and kinder people. There are many random acts of kindness that can be done. One thing you could do is buy food for the people behind you if you are in a drive-through. However, random acts of kindness don't mean just giving people material things or money. I think a great thing to do is to leave pennies heads up in random places and maybe someone will find one and have a lucky day. Another thing I do to just be kind is say "Hi" to people in the hall I don't know and smile at them. Smiles are truly contagious. You could also just give out compliments to people. The thing that first started me thinking about all of this was these kindness coins I got from someone at Heritage Square. They are little plastic coins that say cute kindness sayings on them. I got mine for giving a tip to the lady at the photo shop, and then I was supposed to pass it on to someone that I saw doing something kind. I really thought this was neat and I ended up ordering more of those coins from Oriental Trading and passed them out to the student council, which I'm a part of at my school. After this, I have been noticing acts of kindness and I'm always trying to think of random acts of kindness I can pass along to others. The other day, I was with my friends at Starbucks and I mentioned that the cupcakes looked good and they agreed, but we didn't buy any. We just bought our drinks. Then when we were waiting for our drinks, the cashier asked us if we would like a cupcake and told us they were free. We said sure, but were kind of confused about it. Then the cashier told us that they actually weren't free, the man in front of us heard us say something about them and bought them for us. We told him thank you and that was the best cupcake I have ever eaten because it was a random act of kindness that was given to me. Now, I continue to notice more and more random acts of kindness given and received and I'd encourage others to do the same. I hope you will too. These small acts can make someone's day. When I see someone smile and I know that I helped them smile I feel great and brightens up my day.
Both Ryan Bunting & Mark Mizoguchi are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Ryan Bunting has sinced written about articles on various topics from Blogging, SEO Articles and Public Relations. For More Information Please Visit: Ryan Bunting's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Ryan Bunting to your Favourites.
Mark Mizoguchi has sinced written about articles on various topics from SEO Articles. Kristen Astry is a junior at Northglenn High School and a member of the Board of Directors for the Northglenn Youth Commission.Read More Kindness Artic. Mark Mizoguchi's top article generates over 1000 views. Bookmark Mark Mizoguchi to your Favourites.
Biography Of Marie Antoinette Thats probably why the very heavy, almost thick, floral scents so popular during the reign of Marie Antoinette have given way to lighter, gentler, almost airy scents today