There are lots of social networking websites that you can become a part of today like Myspace and Twitter, and they all have their pros and cons. The best way to choose a social network site to become a part of is to have a look to see what kind of people who have already joined. For me, Facebook is one of the best online destinations for networking - both personally and professionally. I also use Linked In and Myspace. Of all the social networks, Facebook is a gem when it comes to all around marketing and networking.
I have been using Facebook for the past two years, and it is an exquisite marketing tool to add to your marketing plan. Here are 10 ways you can use Facebook to introduce new people to your business for FREE!
1. Build a Wonderful Profile: This is the FIRST thing that you must do to get noticed on Facebook . Think of your Facebook profile as part of your branding strategy. A excellent profile will include a photo of you. Don't use the one of you dressed as the Easter Bunny, unless that's what your selling. Make sure your new Facebook profile is complete. It should include your contact information, your web address (this is extremely important), education, work experience and your personal interests. A complete profile is the only way to go.
2. Add Friends: This is what makes Facebook a special platform - the ability to make friends, build relationships and sustain them. The more relationships you start, the more meaningful your marketing efforts will be. You can use Facebook's own tools to find friends that are already members of Facebook. Once you add your friends, you can search for people with matching interests. Make their acquaintance, become their friend, build a relationship. One cool thing on Facebook is that you can see your friends' friends. This will help you build a monstrous network in no time.
3. Join Facebook Groups: You can join groups on Facebook that are akin to what you do. There are groups for consultants, writers, and trainers. Almost every supposable type of professional service provider has some type of group on Facebook. I belong to several groups on Facebook and have made many new contacts this way.
4. Create your Own Facebook Group: Can't find a group that really makes sense? Create your own! You can add members, publish articles, begin some memorable discussions, and surely find quite a few new people. And even if you find good group to belong to, start your own. This gives you the chance to be the guru!
5. Syndicate your Blog Using RSS: You can syndicate your own blog on your profile page. This essentially means that every time you make a post, it will automatically show up on your profile page. More Exposure equals More Readers equals More Leads equals More Business. And the bonus is the back links to your site. I syndicate headlines from my 3 blogs on Facebook.
6. Reach OUT and Touch Someone: Are you a fan or devotee of someone's work? Reach out to them on Facebook! Lots of my business contacts check their Facebook messages more regularly than their email. They are also more likely to answer Facebook messages. Don't feel quite right sending a message to someone you don't know? No worries! Leave them a ?just saying hi!? or ?You Rock!? message on their wall. All profiles come with ?virtual walls? where visitors can leave comments. The more messages you leave on your friend's Facebook profile page the more exposure you get!
7. Add an Event: Launching a New Product? Create an events page and invite all your friends and acquaintances. You can even see who RSVPed and get feedback from your attendees. Marketing doesn't get any easier (or cheaper!) than this.
8. Send Virtual Gifts: Want to show your appreciation for someone? Send them a virtual gift. You can choose from a bunch of Flowers to a potted plant that actually sits on the your friends profile and grows over time (plus many others). With all the 3rd party applications for gift giving available, what are you waiting for. This is a cool way to "win friends and influence people"!
9. Use Some Cool Apps: Facebook has literally dozens of applications that were built just for the site. Quotes, quizzes, games and more. When you use an application, you get to invite your friends to use these cool mini applications (Apps). So just like number 8 above, this allows you another way to stay connected to your friends on Facebook. Again, this helps you maintain lasting relationships.
10. Create a Community: Perhaps Facebook's greatest benefit is that it allows you to create a community. It intoduces you to a group of people who are constantly linked to you, and these friends are open to hearing your message. Write on people's walls, respond to their comments, and introduce them to each other. Start building your brand and leveraging Facebook for networking!
Facebook is a awesome (can we still use that word) place to meet lots of new people who may also become customers and/or clients. Just remember one thing: don't get too carried away and spend all your time there. Facebook is a tool, part of your marketing plan. Use the tips above, use them wisely and have a little fun at the same time.
Christian Meyers has sinced written about articles on various topics from How to Use Facebook. Lennie Appelquist is the Owner of FreeMarket Media Group. FreeMarket Media Group is dedicated to helping individuals and small businesses generate leads, conv. Christian Meyers's top article . Bookmark Christian Meyers to your Favourites.
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