On of the most troubling and frustrating things to see in any aspect of life, let alone a limb or joint, is deterioration of something that is good and beautiful that has transformed into something that is ugly and useless. That in a nutshell is what arthritis and joint inflammation does to you, it slowly deteriorates everything in its path, making it deformed, ugly, painful and virtually useless.
There are many different types of arthritis, close to 100, of different types and variations of this disease. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis which tends to come on more with ageing and that's where the cartilage, the smooth cartilage at the end of the bone that's meant to be there as a shock absorber starts to break down and then the bone underneath breaks down - that's when the real pain and suffering starts.
Although there are many ways to fight this progression, we will just concentrate on some things that make most dramatic and quick results. Mind you, there are no "magic bullets" or "quick-fixes" - everything presented here are just common sense, good practice advice and treatment that can substantially slow down arthritic progression to what we hope would be a pace much slower than without doing these treatments. So, here we go (not in any specific order).
As often as we hear it, we never take it seriously, but yet another benefit of regular exercise is a dramatic slowing down, and in rare cases even reversal of arthritic deterioration. Almost any exercise will be beneficial, but when it comes to arthritis, Tai Chi is the one most studied and it does have some unique properties in terms of balance and proper perception, sort of the joint knowing what position it's meant to be in and toning the muscles around the joint. Certainly, aerobic exercise, jumping up and down and sometimes the heavy impact is good also although if someone is very overweight and they are doing heavy impact exercise, that might actually be harmful. But by and large you must find exercise programs that anyone can do, even if they have a painful joint. One of the most important advise when it comes to exercise is regularity, stick with it!
Omega 3 supplementation:
Much has been written about benefits of a good diet, but unfortunately making sure that the patient stays with the diet for any length of time is largely a psychological problem, rather than physical. So, regardless of the diet you currently subscribe to, one of the most beneficial "ingredience" in fight against arthritis has been the Omega-3 supplements as well as anything else that is rich in fish oil. The Omega 3 supplementation has been studied in randomized trials and can contribute to the reduction in the joint swelling and the joint pain quickly and painlessly. The supplements are readily available, relatively inexpensive and contribute no ill effects. Add this to your diet today.
Cherries have been receiving a lot of attention of late due to their beneficial effects on fighting and slowing down arthritis. According to arthritis researchers, cherries contain anti-inflammatory properties that may work even better than over-the-counter drugs. Researchers have largely focused their attention on tart cherry juice. According to studies, tart cherries contain something called anthocyanins that prevent free radical damage and inhibit cyclooxygenase enzymes better than some anti-inflammatory drugs that work as Cox inhibitors. Bottom line: Add cherries and cherry juice to your everyday dietary intake and reap benefits while enjoying awesome cherry taste.
The usual treatment for arthritis is through the use of painkillers. Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin can help relieve the pain of arthritis. But they only target the symptom and not the disease itself. Studies even show that the continual use of these NSAIDs may even cause joint deterioration thus making arthritis worse. Modern medicine does not have much to offer for the cure of this disease.
As we can see, the traditional temporary arthritis pain relief medications available leave a lot to be desired, largely because they are driven by short-term effects (to get you to buy quicker), rather than a long term benefit.
Massage therapy, hydrotherapy and cold packs are a few of the simple methods of pain management that may work just as well as drugs. Herbal remedies such as ginger, willow bark and the well-known cartilage constituents glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are also promising a lot in revolutionizing the treatment of arthritis. Aside from the symptomatic relief they offer, they actually interfere with the origin of the disease. They are also being considered to help the body rebuild functioning joints. Fast acting,in cream form, they increase mobility and optimal repair of joint structures as they help reinforce the body's protective linings and lubricating fluids by recovering cell stability and function to stop further damage.
In conclusion, although there are no instant cures, some common sense advice and foods work well, but only when used in early stages of arthritis. Therefore, it is very important to not only be vigilant of your body and joints, but also to seek proper medical attention and diagnosis early on. Once detected early, the approaches outlined here can minimize arthritic effects and provide you a long, bountiful life.
Things That Are Similar
Relationships with other human beings make life worth living. They can also be incredibly frustrating. Every relationship, from family members to the waiter at your favorite cafe, requires effort—sometimes outrageous amounts of effort, to keep it healthy and productive. But it's worthwhile effort. Keep these things in mind to help.
First, the Golden Rule is deeply wise. As St. Luke puts it, "and just as you want men to treat you, treat them in the same way". If people acted on this wisdom as often as they quoted it, the world would be a joyous place.
Everyone wants to be noticed and valued as a human being. We tend to not really see the people who help us every day; the store clerk, the bank teller, the mailman. Make an effort to look each person in the eye, and remember they all have complicated, real lives, just like you. No one deserves to be used like a machine. The people making our life more difficult every day are real people, too! The checker at the grocer who just messed up your credit card transaction is likely a single mom, wondering how on earth she can raise her kids right when she has to be away so much. Please be as gracious with her, as you would like someone to be when you mess up. You do mess up, right?
Many of us have to work with irritating people. Try getting to know a troublesome co-worker, boss, or neighbor better. They might have really good reasons behind their bad behavior. You might even be able to help! But even if somebody has no excuse at all, he's still a real person, with as much intrinsic worth as each of us. Work on your relationship with him with that in mind.
Tragically, we tend to treat the people we love the most, with the least care. Yes, we're all exhausted by the end of the day, but our relationships with our families are irreplaceable. Lavish time and love on your favorite people. Forgive their faults readily. Give yourself to them selflessly. It's not a guarantee, but it is the best way to nourish your relationships with your most precious loved ones.
Now, some reminders. Never lie. Lies are relationship killers. If you think you have to lie, you need to do some deep thinking about how you got to that place.
Second, careful with the truth, too. No gossiping. You've gossiped, and been gossiped about. You know I'm right. Just refuse to have any part of it. We're talking about real, fragile people, remember?
Finally, beware email. A misunderstood or inadvertently published email message can wreak havoc on a truly epic scale. Any sensitive issues, hurt feelings, or irritations should be dealt with in person. By phone, if absolutely necessary, but never, never by email. Trust me, you don't want to learn this the hard way. Make it an unbreakable rule for yourself.
Both Joseph Vishnev & David Brooke are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Joseph Vishnev has sinced written about articles on various topics from Arthritis Signs, Travel and Leisure and Arthritis Signs. Joseph Vishnev loves things that actually work and make an instant, positive difference in people's lives. He has researched and dedicated a site to provide information and news about arthritis how to beat it and effective ways to slow down its path. Se. Joseph Vishnev's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Joseph Vishnev to your Favourites.
David Brooke has sinced written about articles on various topics from self improvement and motivation, Fitness and Health. David Brooke, aka "The Brooker" has been a coach, speaker, and motivator for over 25 years, specializing in coaching people to be more productive and apply the "attitude of gratitude" in their lives. To access his "20 Point Survival Toolkit", a set of st. David Brooke's top article generates over 165000 views. Bookmark David Brooke to your Favourites.
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