Well written articles can deliver you free website traffic from a huge upsurge in back links. The keys to having article writing pay off are twofold. Firstly, your articles need to be well written, informative and pertain to your website. Secondly, you need to write and submit articles to quality web directories regularly. Article marketing doesn't work as a website promotion strategy if you are occasionally writing and submitting. You have to stick to a regular writing and submission routine so that the number of quality back links will increase over time.
The links back from other online directories are important for website promotion in two different ways. They are a link from the article directly to your web site that very interested readers of your article can follow and therefore, they are a means for highly focused traffic to reach your site. They also provide as an important SEO (search engine optimization) service because the search engine algorithms use the number of relevant, one way back links to your website as an important aspect in assigning your ranking on search results pages.
Article marketing works as a website promotion technique because other websites and ezines can locate your articles in article directories and publish your articles with a link to your website in the resource bio. Most websites do not allow you to include embedded links in your article but do allow you to place links and marketing style information in your resource box that appears beneath the article.
You can attract free website traffic with your resource bio by featuring your expertise and things you are particularly marketing with a link to relevant pages. Individuals who wish to utilize your article on their site or in their ezine must agree to keep your resource information intact.
You can choose to write an informative article about some aspect of your business that a reader may be interested in, alternatively you can write a product review designed to encourage your reader to take the next step and buy (or at least consider buying) the product. Many internet entrepreneurs use article marketing to direct people to their website to offer them a free e-book or subscription to a newsletter so that they can build an opt-in email list for ongoing marketing purposes. Article marketing is one of the best ways to pre-sell a product because it allows you to gain enough credibility with your reader that they are more inclined to click on your resource box link to discover more.
Article marketing is a very effective strategy to attract free traffic to your website. You may have an excellent product and a great sales-pitch, but without targeted website traffic your business will be dead in the water. However, if you are committed to writing at least one article a day and submit those articles to high traffic article directories as well as directories that have high search engine ranks, you will soon find that more than enough visitors are knocking on your online door .
To Marketing Your Business
If your business doesn't stand out in today's hyper-competitive market place there's a good chance that you won't be in business very long. There are countless others vying for the same slice of the pie that you are.
There are dozens of competitors just up the road doing all they can to get the attention of your customers and take money out of your pockets.
It's called "marketing," and some are probably doing a better job of it than you are and some probably worse.
What can you do to position your business as the one customers notice? The secret to effective marketing is: think creatively.
Case in point: like every other struggling writer on the planet, I've written a book that I would like to see on the shelves at Barnes & Nobles.
Now I know that the only way I can get my book in front of a big time publisher is to have it submitted by an equally big time agent. And the chances of convincing a big time agent to represent me are about one in a bazillion. Most writers have a better chance of getting eaten by a shark in the Sahara than signing with an agent who gets them a big publishing deal. Being one to never let made up statistics stop me, I forged a creative marketing plan to make sure my book (my business) was noticed.
First thought: what's the best way to get face time with a big time agent? I knew that the normal rules of marketing would do me no good. I couldn't run a few radio spots or buy ads in the newspaper. I had to go where the agents were; in this case a book publishing convention in Orlando, Florida. I bought my ticket, booked my plane and hotel, and waited for the time to go to Orlando and pitch my book to every agent I could find. I was prepared to pitch them standing outside a bathroom stall door if necessary (no pride here).
Then it hit me: I'd probably have less than a minute to give these agents my elevator pitch. They would be swamped with every hack writer within a ten mile radius. I had to do something different. I had to market creatively.
I knew that every other Tom, Dick and John Grisham would be shoving business cards and tattered manuscripts at these guys, so I opted to do something different. I created a business card CD that had my picture on the outside and my manuscript on the inside. It looked like a business card, but when they popped it in their computer it brought up a nice presentation starring the work of yours truly.
Did my creative marketing work? Every agent that I gave one of my handy dandy business card CDs to said the same thing,"That's the coolest thing I've ever seen! Tell me more!" Instead of having 30 seconds to pitch them, I suddenly had their attention for five, ten, fifteen minutes. They wanted to hear more about my amazing little CD and what it contained. By marketing creatively I not only stood out from the crowd, I caught their attention; I piqued their interest, I engaged them in actual conversation instead of the fluff conversation they were saving for less creative marketers.
What was the result of my creative marketing? I signed with an agent who popped the CD in his computer on the flight home and liked what he saw. Will my book ever grace the shelves of bookstores? Who knows, but when it comes out I guarantee you that I will think of all kind of creative ways to market it.
P.T. Barnum was the father of creative marketing. Many people mistakenly think that Barnum's claim to fame was the circus that bears his name. Actually, Barnum got into the circus business late in life, years after he had established himself as one of the most creative marketers on the planet.
Barnum's pride and joy was his American Museum in New York City. And hispassion was finding creative ways to market it. He took a young midget, dubbed him Tom Thumb and made him a national sensation. He brought a pair of Siamese twins to speak at the museum who grew famous and rich from Barnum's efforts. He had an elephant plow the field on his property because there was a railroad nearby and he knew that every passenger on the train would tell everyone they knew about seeing the elephant plowing his field. Barnum received nationwide coverage of the event and some agricultural societies even wrote to ask his advice on training elephants to farm. Barnum knew that the only way to keep his museum in business was to market creatively.
How can you use creative marketing in your business? What can you do tostand out from your competition? What can you do to grab the attention of potential customers and mesmerize them with your message? Elephant farming
may be a stretch, but I bet if you put your brain to it, you can think ofsomething.
Both Surender.mohan & Tim-knox are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Tim-knox has sinced written about articles on various topics from . Tim KnoxEntrepreneur, Author, SpeakerTim Knox is a nationally-known small business expert who writes and speaks frequently on the topic.For more information or to contact Tim please visit one of his sites below.. Tim-knox's top article . Bookmark Tim-knox to your Favourites.
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