There are numerous inventions in the IT and electronics industry everyday. Most of them are purely popular on hype or have achieved the status of a fashion symbol. On the utility rate for the common man, they rank quite low. On very few occasions does one come across a technological invention that actually helps the general public and proves its utility by making their life considerably simpler. TomTom Go navigation system for automobiles is one such device.
The TomTom Go navigation system makes clever use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. With the help of images downloaded with the help of satellites, this device helps drivers and motorists in confidently ascertaining the route that they are travelling, or wish to travel. You are no more dependent on friends and relatives, and sometimes even total strangers for finding your way out or for reaching a certain destination.
TomTom Go is mostly a rectangular shaped device that can be fitted into any car or bike. This is of great help especially when one is driving down the lanes of a foreign land. Not only a foreign or unknown city, one can easily get lost in ones own city. It is not practically possible to be familiar with the all the routes, destinations, lanes and bylanes of even the city where you have been born and brought up.
The TomTom go navigation system shows images that are directly downloaded using satellite technology. It not only tells the driver his current location, but also guides him through the route that is required to reach his destination. TomTom Go is available in a different varieties where they have maps depicting only UK countries, or a map detailing the routes of only European countries and also maps that give routes of all the countries in the world.
TomTom Go is of great utility for the common man. This is one device that will be of great assistance and help for all those who use it. Besides this, it also provides great value for money.
Tragedy Of The Common Man
Wood furniture has been around since man started building furniture hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Stories of how royalty from all over the world loved decorating their castles and palaces with the finest quality wood furniture are quite famous and are part of human history. Kings and emperors from Europe would employ only the absolute finest quality craftsmen who could build them the most excellent and lavish wood furniture. They would get craftsmen from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and other parts of the world to build their preferred furniture.
Wood furniture was a symbol of status for the kings and queens of ancient kingdoms. The more extravagant the furniture, the bigger was their pride. Even general people, who would aspire to be someone someday, dreamt of having the finest quality and most luxurious wood furniture to adorn their houses.
In fact anyone who could build great wood furniture was a much sought after person in the whole city and was well looked after by royalty. Most often the best craftsmen would employ several other persons as it took at least ten to fifteen people to build extravagant wood furniture for the royals, ministers, the top businessmen and traders in a city. From super sized beds to huge wardrobes, the most amazing tables for either work or for the dining room were ordered by the rich and famous of a town.
But the amazing part of wood furniture is that it has such wide appeal and such wide scope of work that it is not just the royals or the socialites of a country that used wood for furniture but even the common man would use wood as their preferred choice for furniture as well. Wood has such amazing variety that it is not just the most expensive material but at the same time it can be the cheapest available material as well. Majority of middle class families across the world find it most feasible and practical to use wood furniture in their homes rather than any other type of material.
Wood furniture in a way unites the rich and the famous with the working class as both use wood in all aspects of their house. Of course the lavishness of the furniture would differ and so would the wood quality, craftsmanship and extravagance. But wood being such a versatile and unique material that even the cheaper quality wood furniture would add much more vigor and style to a house than any other thing would.
Modern wood furniture stores cater to all kinds of people from all walks of life. Just about anyone can walk in to one of these wood furniture stores and find something for themselves. Whatever may be your budget ? from a few hundred to multiple of a few thousand, you will get something for your budget, taste and lifestyle. Wood furniture is truly the one thing that acts as a common object between royalty, the rich and famous and the common man.
Both Jack Triston Triston & Tonton Taufik are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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