First step is to buy the litter tray(s), so make sure that you buy open litter trays, as it would be too late by the time you got a closed one open!
Now for the litter to put in the trays, I would recommend getting wood chip or clumping litter, which you can buy at most pet shops. You will not need to put a lot of litter into the trays, just enough to cover the bottom of it. That is all a ferret will need to do its business in, unlike the standard cat.
If you are teaching a young ferret to be litter trained, they may play in the litter tray, but don't worry too much about this, as when they realize what is for they will soon stop playing in it.
You may have noticed I mentioned litter trays in the plural earlier, this is because you are likely to need more than one! One will need to put in your ferret's cage, and others will need to be strategically placed in corners of rooms, where your ferret roams free. Ferrets naturally go into to corners when they need to 'go'.
Ferrets actually give us an indication of what they intend to do, when it comes to toilet habits! Instead of just going into a corner, they back into it. A ferret will just do its business and will not bury or dig holes for their 'messes', so it would be wise to change the litter trays on at at least a daily basis, to keep everything fresh.
Once you see this backing into the corner maneuver, you can pick your ferret up and pop him the litter tray. As your ferret is very intelligent and easy to train, it will very quickly ascertain what a litter tray is for, and seek them out when it needs to do its business.
If your ferret does do its business in the wrong place, don't tell it off or discipline it. Ferrets are very sensitive little critters, and will take your telling it off as your displeasure at them relieving itself. This will result in it fretting that every time it needs to do its business, it will displease you.
The next thing to do is to learn when your ferret is likely to go about its business. Your ferret will need to go when it wakes up, so while you in the training stage, put them in the litter tray as soon as they wake up and keep them there until they relive themselves.
As ferrets are small creatures, they only have little digestive systems so any food or water, eaten or drunk, will come out relatively quickly , so make sure there is a litter tray nearby. Also if your ferret gets very excited, this makes it want to 'go' as well. General playing should not make it want to relieve itself.
The process of litter training your ferret will not take longer then a few days, as your ferret is a fast learner and will learn the concept of litter trays and what to do in them very fast.
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