Although maintenance may take some time, it is well worth the effort to have a clean and healthy spa in which you can soak in after a long day at work.
There are many reasons why water in the hot tub can be cloudy, too foamy, discolored or cause skin irritations.
Most of these can be cleared up very quickly with testing and adding the proper chemical component to the hot tub water. A few tips will enhance your enjoyment of the hot tub...
Cloudy Water- Try cleaning the filter to remove any dirt and particles.- It also may have a high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) level. If this is the case, it is recommended that the hot tub be completely drained and refilled.- Test for the pH level in the tub. If it is not at the correct level, use the pH solution to bring it to the correct level.- If it has a high calcium level, drain the tub halfway then refill.- If there are dissolved solids in the water, add a bit of clarifier to do the trick.- If you have a high bacteria level you should add some sanitizer to the water.
Discolored Water- If the water starts to get a brown, green, yellow, discolored or dingy look to it you may have several problems.
- You may have a high mineral count to which you will need to add a stain and scale preventative.- Test the alkaline level and add pH or Alkalinity Up to the hot tub water to clarify it. Yellow water typically means there is a low pH and pH or Alkalinity Up should be added.- Check the sanitizer level and add some more if it is low. Green water may indicate algae growth that can be deterred by adding sanitizer.
White Scaly Deposits- White scaly deposits indicate low sanitizer level in the water. This can be improved simply by adding some.
Excessively Foamy Water- Water is very soft.- Water is contaminated.- Water has a high TDS level.- Add a stain and scale preventative, pH or Alkalinity Up and sanitizers to the water.
Ring Around the Hot Tub- Filtration problems. Check the filters and clean them thoroughly. This is the most common reason.- Too many oils present in the water. Add a chemical cleanser such as Natural and Clear or Scum Bug to clear up the ring quickly.
Skin Irritations after Soaking- Reduction in the sanitizer level. Test for this and add sanitizer if necessary. If your skin is sensitive to this, always wait twenty minutes before entering the hot tub.- Staying in the hot tub too long or soaking for too long at temperatures that are too high. Check with manuals, dealer or doctor for duration of use and temperature.
And you thought you'd be working all night on the hot tub :)
Do wear proper protective gear when handling spa chemicals and cleaning filters. And, do wait the recommended time after the addition of chemical or cleansers.
But most importantly, do rest from your labors and enjoy the benefits of your now pristine, sparklingly clear hot tub.
Copyright 2006,
Used Hot Tub Spa
You've searched the classifieds for a used hot tub and found what looks like a great deal. Or maybe a friend has offered to let you buy theirs, or maybe you have even been given a used tub as a freebie. Is it really a good deal? There is no way to tell for sure until you have it installed and running.
The first and most important thing is to never buy and pay for any used spa or hot tub that you have not seen in operation and tested completely. Buying a "dry" tub is a disappointment waiting to happen. You might get lucky and everything will work fine, but you also stand the chance of having a budget-busting disaster on your hands.
You have to also keep in mind that simply moving a tub puts a whole new set of stresses on the plumbing, tub shell, and frame. An unnoticable crack in the spa sitting at its original location will likely be made worse by loading it on a truck and moving it. This is especially true if the tub has been repaired sometime in the past. So just because everything was fine when you checked it out, does not mean it will be exactly the same when you finish your move and installation.
Even with a free hot tub you will likely will have some hidden and possibly unexpected expenses:
* You have to find a way to move it. Many "portable" hot tubs will not fit in the back of a pickup truck.
* You have to hook up the electrical (and unless you are a licensed electrician this is something that should never be attempted by a homeowner). This might involve trenching for the electrical line and running a 220 volt drop, in addition to the electrical supplies.
* Once you get it all set up you have to fix anything you broke moving it, and repair damage or defects that were not apparent when you inspected it.
* You will also likely need to buy other supplies (chemicals for the water, a testing kit, a new cartridge filter, and possibly a hot tub cover).
* Check the cartridge filter to make sure it is in place and that the filter itself is not torn or just completely worn out.
* Does it come with a hot tub cover? If the cover is cracked, torn, discolored, waterlogged, or a spa cover is not included in the deal, then you might be looking at a significant additional expense.
When inspecting the hot tub, be sure and check the following:
* Use a thermometer to check the accuracy of the hot tub thermostat. If it is out of calibration that is not necessarily a problem, but is information you need to know to operate the tub safely. If it won't heat the water to normal operating temperature (usually 104 degrees) that is another issue entirely. There might be a heater problem.
* Open up any of the doors that give you access to the equipment or areas underneath the tub. Look for any leaks or signs of water. Check around the pump for any indication that the pump seals are leaking and will need to be replaced.
* Listen to the sound of the pump running. It should be a low steady hum. Any other sound should tell you that you might have a pump replacement in your near future.
* Turn on the blower and again, listen to the motor. It should sound a lot like a vacuum cleaner and if you hear any knocking, pinging, or scraping this is not normal and means you might be whipping out a credit card soon.
Any problems that you discover can be used as points for negotiating a lower purchase price. If you point out these issues to the seller, you might get a price concession which will make the deal more attractive for you.
With all this said, there are some great values in used hot tubs. Just do not fail to check things out carefully so you will not regret your decision. Budget for some unexpected expenses, and cross your fingers.
Both Louis Zhang & Rwallin are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Louis Zhang has sinced written about articles on various topics from Eye Care, Advertising Guide and Arthritis Signs. Louis Zhang helps you choose a hot tub that you and your family can enjoy for years to come. You can get more hot tub maintenance, safety and health tips at Hot Tub. Louis Zhang's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Louis Zhang to your Favourites.
Rwallin has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Management, Spa. Rodney Wallin writes on a wide variety of subjects and has enjoyed hot tubs for over 20 years. For lots of additional information on choosing the right hot tub cover, head over to his website at. Rwallin's top article generates over 880 views. Bookmark Rwallin to your Favourites.
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