Photographs of your life events and the people involved are one way of keeping it all alive into the future. Lots of people like to take pictures on special occasions like weddings, birthdays, vacations and trips among others. These pictures can serve as a foundation to make those memories linger long after they are over. The question becomes at this point will you grab a shoe box from the closet and fill it with the pictures or will you make the presentation of the pictures as special as the pictures of the memories are.
In order to come out with a really special presentation you really do not need anything special. The creation of a scrapbook only takes the desire, a design, a layout and the all important pictures around which it is all built.
There is a term that you are going to become very familiar with as we introduce this hobby. That is the accordion album. The accordion album is the heart of the craft of scrapbooking as it is the place it all begins and it really helps it all get organized to start with.
It depends on how many photos you have and how they are laid out when you are determining the accordion album to use for your scrapbooking project. In order to most accurately keep all the memories alive you will want to write special things about the pictures so that they will trigger your thoughts more than the picture alone will. For instance you may want to write a quote or a song or a poem to remember the moment. This is how you really turn this hobby that can become mechanical into a real art.
It may be advisable necessary to journal along with the pictures so you can recall the circumstances surrounding the pictures and in order to make the pictures seem more memorable. Colors also play a huge roll in the outcome of the scrapbook and softer colors are what are chosen most often. They give it a warmer feeling and are more appealing than harsh dark or bold colors unless they are used as accent.
Laying Out The Topics Of Your Accordion Album
There are a lot of ways that you can divide your accordion album. Things like "When We Fell In Love" or "The Progression Of This Beautiful Relationship". You can use any theme to divide your album but it is important that you do so in order to ultimately provide the necessary materials to build a meaningful scrapbook.
Until the time you actually put the scrapbook together you have a place to store your memorabilia in a predetermined manner. One other neat little thing to include in your album for later use in your scrapbook is questionnaire. This can provide some interesting reading years down the road if it is designed properly. It gives insight into the head of the participants later.
Accordion Album Serves a Very Important Function In Scrapbooking
It can be quite surprising how much easier it makes your project of saving your memories for later use in a scrapbook when you use a accordion album. Eventually you and the special ones in your life will be very glad you took the time to save all the things that are important you all of you.
Four Valuable Steps For Scrapbooking
1. Gather and arrange your photos as we have discussed
2. Sort them according to the themes you have chosen
3. Conceptualize how you want each page to look before pasting
4. Add artistic elements and captions to each page
If you will follow the guidelines of this article you will be a long way toward keeping your memories of a life time in a way that you will be proud to show others and you will be happy you did.
Detro Canaro has sinced written about articles on various topics from Metabolism, Infants And Toddlers and Legal Matters. Copyright Detro Canaro (2008) Husband of Debby, a writer, health nut and webmaster of several websites. One of those websites is about crafts and is authored by his wife and offers. Detro Canaro's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Detro Canaro to your Favourites.
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