Use scrapbooking to preserve all your personal and family memories. Make an attractive and intriguing piece of family art and you can create something that can be passed on through generations, as well as being able to show off your creative side.
Scrapbooking is a way of getting your keepsakes in the right place. You might have a stash somewhere of old pictures, boxed up and neglected. Keep an open mind when looking around for items that would be suitable to work with!
After you have seen the types of pictures you have available, divide them into categories. Different themes for scrapbooks can be made using these categories Some categories you might consider are family vacations, high school, your travels, sports events, the homecoming dance, or any other memory you would like to preserve. With your first scrapbook, make sure to select a theme and stick with that theme no matter what. This will help your scrapbook to stay cohesive and meaningful.
Pick your theme, then choose the pictures that fit for each category. The photos that express your thoughts and feelings are better than the most aesthetically pleasing ones. Don’t be afraid to use a photo that is slightly off-centered, out of focus, or even overexposed—any errors that take away from the photo can always be cropped out per your discretion. You can use these pictures to complete each page in your scrapbook.
Including your photos in the scrapbook, consider the posibility of finding other momentos that are relative to the category desired. Anything that is meaningful can be added to your scrapbook pages such as ticket stubs, boarding passes, playbills or decorative pressed flowers.
After that you will want to create the layout for your page. This is the part of scrapbooking that is the most rewarding although it is the hardest to do. Really let your imagination run wild! Make sure that your page layout is creative. You will want to design your scrapbook pages to tell a story and have a consistent theme. To add finesse to the scrapbook, use colored paper for page backgrounds, collage images, fabric, or other useful materials. You can really use anything that will give interest to your page.
Lay your photos on top of these backgrounds in interesting and unique ways. Before you glue anything down, play with the layout to strike the balance on your pages that you find the most satisfactory. Obtaining the specific look that you want to achieve will require you to crop and cut photos, as well as make adjustments to the other mementos you plan to include. This is the part of the process that is the most time-consuming, but it is also not the one that you want to rush. And, the personalized feeling that the scrapbook conveys will allow it to be remembered forever.
You probably will have to do a bit of research to get some ideas for layouts. Ultimately, you should use whatever layout is the most pleasing to you, but there is no shame in looking into pre-made layout guides for inspiration.
Insert your finishing embellishments. To your page, you can add text explaining your photographs, gems, glitter, buttons or anything else that may be interesting to others viewing your page.
The most important thing to remember when creating your scrapbook is that not only is your scrapbook a physical representation of your memory, it is the actual process that makes it worthwhile. If you put your heart and soul into scrapbooking you won't be able to help being happy with the final result. Joyful scrapbooking!
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