Many people have a problem with loose skin and double chins, these exercises will help tone and lift the chin area and help bring back that youthful look.
• A great exercise it to sit upright, tilt your head back looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips closed and then start a chewing movement. You will feel the muscles working in your neck and throat area - and will be truly amazed at the results. Repeat 20 times.
• Sit upright, tilt your head back looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips closed and relaxed. Start puckering your lips together in a kiss and stretch the kiss, as if you were trying to kiss the ceiling. Keep your lips puckered for 10 counts, then relax, bring your head back to normal and repeat 5 times.
• Sit upright, tilt your head back looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips closed and relaxed. Open your lips and stick your tongue out as if you were trying to touch your chin with the tips of your tongue. Keep your tongue out in this position for 10 counts, and return your tongue and head to its normal position.
• Sit upright, in a chair tilt your head back looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips closed, start a chewing motion as if you're chewing gum. You will fill the muscles working in your neck and throat area. The results are fantastic. Repeat this exercise 20 times.
• This exercise will help alleviate sagging jowls and firm and contour the sides of your face. You use this muscle to clench your teeth, close your jaws and assist when chewing your food. This wide, broad muscle consists of one deep muscle and one superficial muscle.
• Sit upright, tilt your head back looking at the ceiling, while keeping your lips closed and relaxed. Next move your lower lip over your top lip as far as possible and keep it there for a count of 5. Relax and repeat 5 times.
• Lie on your bed, with your head hanging down over the edge. Slowly bring your head up towards your torso and keep it there for 10 counts. Relax and lower your head towards the floor again - repeat 5 times.
• Sit upright and face forward and while keeping your lips together, separate your teeth by dropping your jaw and then push your jaw forward, keep for a count of 10, bring back to starting position and repeat 5 times.
Cheek Exercises
Look in a mirror while doing this exercise. Smile a wide as possible - while keeping your lips closed and your mouth corners turned up. Try to make your mouth corners touch your ears. Next wrinkle your nose and see your cheek muscle move upwards and feel these muscles work. Keep for 5 counts,relax and repeat 10 times.
• Sit upright facing forward with lips closed but relaxed. Pucker and pout your lips using the muscles in your cheeks. (Feel with your fingers that you are using your cheek muscles.) Keep it puckered for a count of 10, relax and repeat 10 times.
• As you make a great, big smile, turn the corners of your mouth upward as far as possible. Try to make your smile wider and bigger while bobbing your head as if you were laughing. Hold this position to the count of 5. Slowly return your mouth to its normal position. Repeat 5 times.
• Look in a mirror while doing this exercise. Pout your top lip, turning the corners of your lips upwards and move your cheek muscles towards your eyes. You should at this stage try to get your top lip touching your nose. Keep in this position for 10 counts, relax and repeat 5 times.
• Place your lips together and smile. Turn the corners of your mouth upward. While smiling, turn your lips inward, covering your teeth to appear as though you were toothless. While holding this position, bring your mouth to the shape of an ""O"". Slowly return to normal position.
• Facing a mirror, raise you eyebrows while making a crooked grin with one side of your mouth. Relax the opposite side of your mouth as much as possible. You should be able to feel the pull of this muscle by placing your forefinger just below the corner of your eye. Slowly push the lower eye lid closed. Hold to the count of 5. Slowly return your cheek and eye to the normal position. Then repeat the exercise on the opposite eye.
• Keep your teeth and lips closed and blow air under your top lip and keep it there for 10 counts, then move it to your left cheek side, hold for 10, to your lower lip, hold for 10 and then to your right cheek side while holding it for a count of 10. Repeat 5 times.
Eye Facial Exercises
• Sit upright with your eyes closed and relaxed. While keeping your eyes closed the whole time, first look down and then look up as far as possible. Repeat the facial exercise 10 times.
• Sit upright with your eyes closed and relaxed. Keep your eyes closed while lifting your eyebrows and stretching your eyelids down as far as possible. Keep in this position for 5 counts, relax and repeat 5 times.
• Gently tone the muscles of the eyes by pressing two fingers on each side of your head, at the temples, while opening and closing your eyes rapidly. Repeat 5 times.
• Sit upright looking straight ahead with your eyes open. Look up then down, while keeping your head still. Repeat 10 times. Then look left and right - repeat 10 times.
• Sit upright with your eyes relaxed and open. Lift your eyebrows while closing your top eyelids until about halfway closed, then open your eyelid wide open until the white of your eye shows over your iris.
Forehead Exercises
• Lie on your bed with your head hanging over the edge. Lift your eyebrows as high as possible, with your eyes opening very wide. Relax and repeat 10 times.
• Sit upright facing forward and while bringing your eyebrows down over your eyes, wrinkle your nose as far up as possible while flaring your nostrils. Keep for a count of 10, relax and repeat 5 times.
• Frown as much as possible and try to bring your eyebrows over your eyes while pulling the eyebrows toward one another. Then lift your eyebrow as far as possible while opening your eyes as far as possible as well. Repeat 5 times.