There are Free Way and Paid Way to affiliate marketing. The advantage of using Free Way to affiliate marketing, is no additional cost, thus whatever you earn is 100% net profit. But the disadvantage is time consuming. What I mean is it takes time for Free Way to drive in traffic. I will explain further.
Free Way to affiliate marketing
1) Go to any affiliate marketing site and sign up free account. I believe the most well-known site is Click Bank. There are other sites like Commission Junction, Bib Revenue, etc... After sign up, select the right product to affiliate. Choose product that has high conversion rate. For more detail go When someone clicks this link, he will be directed to your affiliate site. I would suggest buying a domain name, so no one may know it is an affiliate link. Anyway, a domain name cost less than $10 per year. This is option but useful. Choosing a right domain name helps in affiliate marketing.
2) Find as much information as you can for your affiliate product and write dozens of articles. You may Google search and copy some portion of the information into your articles but not all. Coos some article directories may reject your article as it is similar to other article. It may take up few days for your article to be published. I would recommend publish your articles to Edina Article directory as it is one of the largest directory. You may also publish to some other article directories too. Remember to put a link to your affiliate site at the end of your article. When you write good article, it will attract reader to click your link.
3) Join Forum. Sign up as member in a forum and get to know as many members as possible like for more help visit Do not try to sell them anything, build the rapport first. Once the rapport is built, do not say you are affiliating some product and ask if they want to buy. Rather ask them question if they have heard of the product you are affiliating. Arouse interest in them and guide them to your link.
4) Join Online Group. You may join Yahoo Group and Google Group. Do the same as you are doing for forum.
When you are using this Free Way, it may take up to a month to drive in your desired traffic. I would recommend using paid way too.
Paid Way to affiliate marketing
1) Other than buying a domain name, you may choose to buy hosting too. But this is optional. Buying hosting means you are creating your own web page. This is time consuming if you have no experience or knowledge. Creating your own web page is good because you can share with people how has the product you are affiliating help you. Telling your story will increase the number of sales.
2) Online Classified Ads. You may go to online classified ads to place ads to promote your affiliate product. This is another option other than search engine.
3) Google Ad Words. It is the fastest way to drive in traffic. Be sure to do research before using Google Ad Words. When Google Ad Words is properly used, it can drive in thousands and thousands of traffic per day.
In order to be successful, you need to have both ways to drive in traffic