Street fighting is one of the worst situations that a person can get into. A street fight can start from a small statement to the wrong person or the fact that you are getting attacked. How to come out from this problem? The internet has aplenty information on the street fighting techniques. Each will guide you and tell you about the best possible ways to come out of the situation. The self defense techniques teach you to be alert and patient and also analyze the situation.
What is your main aim when you are in a street fight? It is definitely not to win. You don't want to get in a troublesome situation which will take you to jail or courts. The street fighting techniques simply teach you to bewilder or astonish your opponent. This can be achieved by simply knocking him down with a punch or giving an eye jab. Once the target is achieved, you need to run from the place. This way you are not going to land in the courts and more importantly you are not being sued.
In self defense techniques, you should hit the assailant in places which are soft and easily targeted. Body parts such as groins, eyes and nose are delicate. You should directly attack them. The self defense techniques involve the usage of hands, especially the palm. Use your palm to hit the opponent's nose from the bottom. This will definitely break his nose. You may be surprised to know the fact that your wrist is an extremely powerful weapon in your body and can be used in several ways.
When you have got into a street fight, jab the opponent and try to get on his foot immediately. Simple self defense techniques like this will give you a room to control your attacker. You don't have to look towards the attacker's foot to step it. It should come naturally. Once you have pinned the attacker, push him. Do not wait for long or do not push before you have pinned him. You must push immediately after you have pinned him. This technique will bring the much desired result and your attacker will fall with a great thud.
Getting hit is a part of street fighting techniques. Though it may seem to be a bad idea, but always remember that your assailant is over there to give you a strong backlash. He will certainly give a few bouts; but you can compose and come out of the situation. You can give him back the necessary jabs. This is better than standing at the receiving end.
The street fighting techniques involve maintaining your calm. It is essential to stay calm particularly if your attacker has lethal weapon like gun. Getting into a fight or getting stabbed for that gold chain, credit cards which can be cancelled or a $100 bill is not really worth it. You should understand your limits and never cross them. Admitting the fact that you are defeated should not be detrimental since from an overall point of view you are actually giving yourself a better and remarkable life for future.