Love is a single word but it carries many deep feelings within itself. These are care, understanding, devotion, dedication, respect for each other, and sense of responsibility thereby making this feeling so powerful and incredible. The feeling of love comes instantly in a person’s heart and it has the power to merge a individual within itself. Love: a four letter word which fills everybody’s heart with smile, happiness and joy. It is a delicate thread which binds two people in such a strong relation. It makes life so beautiful.
Everything around you seems to blossom. Love brings meaning to ones life. It makes you feel special in its own way. You just can’t stop thinking about your beloved. When you are in love you can never be lonely wherever you go. Love is when you want to be with your soul mate every time and everywhere. Love makes each day worth getting up for. Its a magic. It can do wonders. It is the feeling of heart not mind. Love quotes have become a necessity in today’s life. One can send love quotes to his or her lover to make him or her special in your own way. This is the best way to convey your feelings to your sweetheart. Send these love quotes to your honey and let her know how much you love hers.
The language of love can be expressed in so many ways, through talking, through writing your feelings in words, with just a smile, with an understanding glance, with a warm touch and sometimes through a mere silence. Love doesn’t have any age limits. Person of any age can fall in love. A teenager can fall in love as well as a adult above 40 can also fall in love. Love can happen in first sight and many a times it can take years to develop but a person having this immense feeling of love within him feel on the top of the world. Love doesn’t have any boundaries and it is never planned. You will meet a person and your heart will start popping up and will say “yes she is the one".
When you are in love, you love talking to that person for hours, want to stay away from crowd in your own world, thinking about your lover always, dream to be with your love, laugh with her, cry with her, sharing your feeling with the one, feel good imaginations, lovely thoughts, these wonderful feelings are always there in your mind and heart and you love to be with these feelings. To make a relationship life long, one thing you should always keep in your mind that there should not be any conditions in love because conditions always ruin the relationship. There should be the feeling of trust, faith and respect and you will see, life is so smooth you can ever think of. Thus to carry a relationship you should nourish the relation with care and understanding and don’t let ego come in between. Love is never destroyed, as it is a relation, which has been made forever.
It is biggest happiness in the life of a person to love someone and to get the love in return Life is so boring and unexciting without the feeling of love so one should fall in love once in his life and feel the liveliness of the relationship as no relation on this earth is more pure then that of love. Many a times we are not able to express our feelings to the person we love as we really don’t find the words to express. The best way to let someone know what you really feel for her is the writing way. Take a pen and a writing Pad and let all your emotions and feelings come out, Pour intense feelings of your heart on the paper and it is for sure she will love it as those feelings are directly coming from your heart. There are so many ways to show your heart feelings in a written form like teen love poems, love letters, love quotes etc. Love Quotes poems are very good mediators to say something or to convey your message to your loved one. Today lots of poems are available on Internet, find the exact one what you feel, dedicate to the person you love with all your deep sentiments and emotions and you will see what a positive effect it will create in your relationships because expressions create miracles in relationships.