Do you want to drive your site to the top 10 in Google and major search engines? Over the next few months, do you want to drive a boat load of traffic to your site? Sales a little slow. How about hearing that cash register ring like Santa's sleigh bells out of control? Follow these top 7 article submission strategies to give some gas to your website.
1. Every week, get your site in front of hungry customers.
As we all know, the internet is an information highway. You can find information on just about any topic you can think of, and you can find an equal amount of people surfing for it. There are plenty of hungry customers out there so each week you need to have an article ready to submit. High traffic ezines, newsletters, and major article directories are your best bet. They need articles so give them what they want. Be desciplined about submitting articles to this excellent source of pre-sold traffic. It's money in the bank.
2. An hour a day keeps the slow times away.
As I mentioned previously, the major sites need fresh content. This is what keeps their customers coming back. Don't think for a minute that your article isn't good enough. Get them submitted on a weekly basis. Set aside at least one hour a day to write. Writing two or more articles at the same time will maximize your time and efforts. The more articles you submit, the more publicity you'll receive. Soon you will be recognized as an expert in your field.
3. The World Wide Web is a haven for free publicity, you can't beat it with a stick.
Disciplining yourself to submit articles on a weekly basis will soon have your URL listed on hundred's of sites. After a several months you can count on a thousand other sites. After a few years your URL listing could reach five thousand sites, and in five years quite possibly you could reach one hundred thousand sites. Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants. Did you ever think you could have a thousand visitors a day? It's possible, but takes time.
4. PPC ads, PR sites, and link exchanges will be a thing of the past.
As you continually submit articles, over time more and more information hungry people will undoubtedly read your articles. Trust and confidence will develop from your readers. You will soon become an expert in your field. The result of this transformation and growth will lead to more sales. You sonn may forget there ever was PPC ads or link exchanges. This could take up to a year or more. Don't give up. As they say, quitters never win and winners never quit. Be patient and persistent as you reach for the golden ring.
5. Construct an article directory on your Website.
One of the best ways to enrich your site with original content is to archive your articles on your website with an article directory. Search engines love content rich sites, and new visitors will be attracted to your site by the fresh new articles. A key to successful article writing is to fill your article titles, article content, and resource box or bio rich with keywords.
6. New opportunities await you.
Over time, new opportunities will make their presence through your article submissions. This can be fantastic revenue sources for you. You will eventually come in contact with other publishers, ezine owners, and webmasters. Disect their establishment and determine how they could fit into your overall plan. Can you joint venture with them? Can they offer their readers an exclusive article or promotional piece about your product at special discount specifically for them? You will now have an opportunity to be in the spotlight to thousands of their readers. This could be the mother of all deals!
7. Be sure and say thanks.
There's nothing more satisfying after submitting a bunch of articles, and then one day you receive an email saying "We published your article in our ezine or website." Remember they are placing your article in front of many additional readers than just your submissions. It could well be an additional thousand readers. Be sure and email them back thanking them for their interest in your article. Ask them if they would like to receive more free content to use at their convenience, and if you could place them on your email list for future mailings. These can be golden.
Lastly, these top 7 article submission strategies have the ability to drive more traffic, and power your URL to the top ten search engine rankings. It is a major component for increasing sales. It takes time though, Rome wasn't built in a day.