No longer does the bird feeder you choose have to be something plain propped in a spot in the yard. You need not buy a plastic, metal or wooden box to put off in the corner of the yard, unsightly, but practical. If you want something that is both practical and attractive to put in your garden consider buying gazebo bird feeders. These incredible little works of architectural wonder can be made to order, bought premade or built by you from a set of plans that can be purchased, among other places, online.
If it is the latter that you choose the plans are usually available for no more than twenty dollars. They will include complete instructions that will take you through the process in a very orderly step by step fashion. It will also have a comprehensive inventory of what materials you need to buy to build the gazebo bird feeders and drawings showing how to easily assemble it. These plan packages will contain everything you need to make this attractive feeder for your garden. Once the feeder is built you will need to paint it with non-toxic paint. Then you will need to have the right pole to mount it on. It is recommended that what you use should stand about four feet off the ground. This makes it harder for small animals like squirrels or chipmunks to get to the seeds. A little higher is okay to as long as you are able to easily restock the feeder with seeds.
If on the other hand it is your preference to buy one already constructed there are many potential outlets where you can find them. They can be bought from many nurseries, garden shops, sometimes from landscapers, or from individuals or online shops. These gazebo bird feeders very much resemble a gazebo in miniature with the same shape and decorative sides that you would expect to see on a gazebo that would sit in your yard. Prices vary greatly depending on the size of the bird feeder you buy. A tiny one may cost you under twenty dollars but if it is a masterpiece you are looking for, a large feeder to add beauty to your garden, perhaps one made of cedar, you can expect to pay closer to two hundred dollars. Of course, there are many models in between so you can find the one you want along with the price you want to pay.