Some people think that crate training is one way of being cruel or inhumane to a dog. But dogs don't see it as humans do. What we fail to realize is that dogs have the natural tendency to find a den or area to sleep. And that is what the crate is for. Its purpose is to provide security, safety and aid in housebreaking and travel. By providing a crate, you give them something they can call their own.
When you first place your puppy inside the crate, he will probably whine and seems to beg you to let him go out. But that is not the case actually because their whining simply means that they don't want anywhere but near you. They want to be cuddled in your lap or sit with you in the couch. Well, it’s not of a problem only if your pet is just a cute puppy. But think of the time when he's already a grown dog. Think of the time when you are taking him in your travel. Isn't it safe for him to be inside the crate while traveling?
Probably you now realize the benefits of using a crate. Introducing him to a crate is not that hard after all although it will take time in some cases. Drop some small pieces of kibble or dog biscuits in the crate. By doing this, the puppy will soon discover that good things can be found inside the crate thus creating positive association.
Praise your dog when he enters the crate at his own will. Do not try to force him or push him to get inside. You can also command him to get inside but make sure to use encouraging voice when giving the command. Experts suggest to crate your puppy for short periods of time when you are at home and he should be free to leave it at first.
During sleeping hours, when you need to lock the crate's door, placing the crate next to your bed is advisable. Doing this will assure him that you are just there beside him and you can hear him if he needs to go out. When crate training, pay important details to your puppy's bathroom time. Dogs consider their crates as their dens, their homes so they won't naturally soil their sleeping area as long as you see to it that they are taken out during their potty time.
Once your dog is crate trained, you can somehow feel safe especially when you are leaving him alone. You will never think of soiled carpets, your highly priced shoes are safe and you can be sure that he is safe and sound when you come home.
Using a crate is not cruelty to dogs isn't it? Just remember to never use a crate to punish a dog. This will just cause him to fear and develop negative association of what is supposed to be his haven.