There are few things in life more exciting than adding a puppy to your family. A Shih Tzu can be a good choice of pet for many reasons, but it is important to know what you are getting into before you bring your Shih Tzu puppy home from the breeder. There are many Shih Tzu health problems that are unique to this breed, and by educating yourself to what those problems are you can find a breeder who offers a line of dogs without a family history of them. It also helps you to know what to look for in your Shih Tzu, so that you can address any potential health problems early on.
Another factor in preparing for your Shih Tzu puppy is to select a veterinarian that you and your dog will both be comfortable with. It is a good idea to find a doctor that is experienced working with the Shih Tzu breed, since this person will be well versed in Shih Tzu health problems. It is also important to educate yourself about basic first aid for your Shih Tzu, so that you will be ready for any issues that might arise.
Renal dysplasia is a disorder that affects the kidneys of a Shih Tzu, and can be potentially fatal in more severe cases. Although this Shih Tzu health problem is often genetic in nature, many breeders may not know if there is a genetic tendency toward renal dysplasia in their dogs since it might not appear for generations. Some dogs with this condition may also have fairly normal life expectancies if the condition is mild.
Dry eye is a Shih Tzu health problem where the eye does not provide enough moisture for itself. The result of this condition can be a damaged cornea, and some dogs can go blind if dry eye is left untreated. Another eye problem that Shih Tzu's might have is a result of the structure of the skull in these dogs that causes the eyes to protrude more than other breeds. This protrusion exposes more of the eye to the environment that can lead to a host of eye problems that may require treatment.
Besides knowing about the types of Shih Tzu health problems that could arise with your new puppy, it is important to find a veterinarian that will work for both you and your dog. It is a good idea to visit the vet's office prior to bringing in your dog to see if the facilities are clean and well maintained and the staff is friendly and good with animals. It is also a good idea to find out what the office hours are and what the procedures might be in the event of an emergency with your pet.
While you are shopping for a veterinarian, it is a good idea to brush up on your first aid knowledge for dogs, and stock up on a few basic supplies at home that will help to prepare you for emergencies. These might include bandages as well as hydrogen peroxide and a rectal thermometer that will help get you through many a doggy crisis. It is also a good idea to keep a muzzle in the house so that you can safely treat you pet if he gets injured or sick. Preparation is the key to good Shih Tzu care and a successful relationship with your dog.