If your dog has mange, you willknow it right away. For starters, it would scratch a lot and become irritated.Your pet would also develop red rashes on its skin that would soon spread allover, if you don't take it to the vet right away. Mange is a major problem indogs. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from it, provide it with thenecessary care.
But the biggest problem withmange is how to keep your dog from scratching. Mange spreads all over yourdog's body the moment it starts to scuff. Here are the things you can do tomake your dog forget about his irritations:
1. Apply a topical anti-irritant.
You can normally get this onefrom the vet. Sometimes, vets prescribe over-the-counter types too. Get severaltubes so you're sure you won't run out of it. Usually, the medications for dogmange are the same as the ones used for skin irritation in humans. However, youhave to clear an ointment with the vet before applying it on your dog.
2. Prepare some oral medications.
More than topical treatments,there should be some antibiotics that you have to give your pet. Again, the vetwill be able to tell you how much, how frequent, and how long you should givesuch medicines to your dog.
3. Give your dog a shower.
Dogs itch whenever they feelhot. So instead of worrying about it, prepare a nice bath for your pet. Cleanits entire body, especially focusing on the parts where the mange is located.You have to keep your pet feeling fresh all the time to ease the irritationsaway.
4. Sprinkle anti-prickly heat powders.
Certain anti-prickly heatpowders can be used on your pet with mange. But don't put too much of itthough. Apply just enough after every bath so that the dog's fresh feeling isprolonged somewhat.
5. Keep your pet busy.
Since your pet is technicallysick, attend to it whenever you can. Keep it busy by playing with it. Make itfetch the newspaper or a small ball. This might even be a good time to teachyour dog some new tricks. Anything that would keep your pet occupied is goodenough.
6. Let the dog stay in a cool place.
Humidity may cause the dog toscratch. As such, make sure that the temperature of your house cold enough foryour pet. If your pet is not allowed inside your home, maybe you can keep it ina kennel up until the mange had healed.
7. Choose the food you give your dog.
Certain foods like chickenand chicken broth can make your dog's condition worse than it already is. Thesefood items are known trigger itchiness so don't give them to your pet just yet.
Dogs would naturally scratchits hide if it feels itchy. And mange can be terribly prickly. But if youfollow these tips while continuing with the veterinarian-prescribedmedications, your dog should experience comfort in due time.