It is a well known fact that many men enjoy any type of competition. This love of competition can range from just watching someone else compete by watching sporting events on television, or they could be a member of a team or sporting league and actually participate in a sporting event. This could be a reason that men love women who compete in horse related sporting events.
If you ask any man at a rodeo what their favorite event to watch is, most of them will say barrel racing. This is because they get to watch some very talented and very beautiful women racing their horses as fast as they can around the barrel pattern. Most men love speed and pretty girls, so this should make barrel racing one of the greatest sports ever invented.
There are other types of horse related sporting events in which men can participate along side the women that they love. The only thing that a man will have to consider when choosing a horse related sporting event is the level of excitement they want to achieve.
There are also some men (and women) who are very competitive and they will choose to compete in the event that their wives or girlfriends compete in. This is so they will be able to compete directly against them. Everyone knows that the only thing that a man thinks about when they are in the middle of a competition is winning. This is why horse competitions that are dominated by men are so difficult to win.
Take reining for example. This is an event where the rider will complete a set pattern while riding their horse. The pattern will consist of several difficult maneuvers that the rider should be able to complete with ease. The higher level reining competitions are usually dominated by men riders who all have one objective on their minds, winning.
If you were to ask a women who was competing in any horse related event what their goal for the day was most of them will tell that they want to have a good ride and it does not matter if they win or lose. A woman's main objective when she is competing is to do her best and hope that the judge will place her first, but she usually will not be disappointed if she loses.
This is information that any man who owns a horse already knows, so for all of the non horse owning men, if your wife tells you that she wants to purchase a horse, you should let her and you should purchase a horse of your own. This way when she decides to go to a horse related competition you can go with her and complete against her. You can tell her that it is just a friendly competition, but deep down inside you know that you are out to win and show her that you are a better rider than she is. However, you need to keep all of this information to yourself because if your wife finds out that you are out to beat her in the show pen you can bet that you will be sleeping on the couch (or in the barn) for a long time.