Are you a young amputee girl? Do you feel life dealt you a blow? Do you want to learn how to have fun with your life despite being an amputee? Are you thinking how do I make life work for me? Well! This is where you will get some help. The rest is up to your indomitable spirit of living life queen size, your style!
Life exists, as we know it, in the wind that blows, the rain, in the sun. Life also exists in our mind and how we use this knowledge is what will make you make the best of what you have with you. So, you are an amputee - it only means that you have to live your life with a few adjustments.
It is all a question of getting the hang of things and making them work to your advantage. Talk to your counselor at school or at home. Ask them on how you should focus your energy towards living a full life. Get emotionally secure and then start your plans to make your ambitions come true.
It is easy if you have a never-say-die attitude. Start with a list of all that you would like to do in terms of your education and your personal life. Talk to people who will help you find the right places to complete your studies. Studies are important because you then have the required qualifications to pick up a well paying job whether from home or actually commuting to an office. The nature of work would be dependant on the extent of your disability.
Once you have this part of your life in place, you can start thinking about your personal life. Make friends who understand your situation and your limitations as an amputee girl. Try the internet. There are a lot of sites that have special sections for amputee girls. There are other amputees who are also looking for friends.
Register yourself with any one of these and you will have a completely new set of friends. Here you will find friends with similar ideas, similar problems, similar hobbies, and similar interests also. They too want friends and who knows you just might meet that special someone who makes your heart sing and the sun shine just for you.
The internet is a world in it itself. Besides dating you will find there are a lot of other things you can do. If your condition keeps you from moving around then this is one way of getting the world to come to you. You need to take stock of your situation and make it work for you.
Once you meet people on the web you can get to know them better. People with similar disabilities have groups where they share common ideas and hobbies. You too can join such groups.
Get involved in activities that will now take you out of the house. This will give you confidence to do more with your life. That is what life and living is all about - confidence and faith in your abilities. Go for it girl!