Knowing is half the battle, in most if not all walks of life. Remembering what had been needed or sorely missed in the past when surviving an emergency or complex situation, as well as foreseeing what could be needed in the future, will help make you prepared and sufficiently autonomous when the real test comes along.
Considering and listing what uses you might have for an Electric Home Power Generator is the very first step before purchasing, planning, installing and actually using one of these emergency energy providers. The size, type of engine, level of output and even physical location will be determined by what we will need to ask of it, in complete safety and peace of mind. Do you entirely know what yours will be required to do for you?
Short-term Uses
Home owners faced with a particularly large and diverse land, or simply quite adamant in doing every home-related work independently, will need a wide range of powerful equipment to be used on the spot for a short period of time. Added to the eventual power-failures and other emergencies, a portable model of generator, to be moved and called upon at a moment's notice, might be the way to go to undertake the following uses:
Landscaping Work: Mowing the lawn, blowing the leaves, trimming the hedges and other gardening ordeals are more and more done with electrical equipment for a green-thinking household. It might also be convenient for pools to drain, clean and even fill up.
Renovations and Tough jobs: Big jobs on and around the house (as small ones) often require some specific tools, like power drills, skill saws, sand belts and the likes. Even more convenient when actually BUIDLING the house in question - where could power be taken from otherwise? Same for building a backyard shed, patio deck or any other out-house installation.
Recreational Activities: Summertime and winter can both call for a familial or social gathering, or any sports and recreational activity when basic lighting will be needed, along with some music, a spot of industrial cooking or even a little heat.
Medium to Long-Term Uses
Some homes and areas are more susceptible to frequent and lengthy power outages where a permanent secondary solution might prove to be no less than vital. Stationary or Standby models would then be a better bet, with the added advantage of offering an output for any other near-house activity or use that comes along on a frequent basis without forcing the home-owner to get his generator out of storage and fuelled up every single time. Economy of time, space and strength will get along perfectly with a power-hungry appliance.
Emergencies: Small and medium-sized generators will ensure a vital set of “creature comforts", even if on a smaller scale, that might be more than simple luxury. Running lamps and lights, heaters and cooking appliances, providing for rechargeable devices like cell phones and laptops and running a host of small household appliances will be done quickly and without hassle to ride out the storm or event that made the power go. Larger models will also provide the ability to run the furnace and large appliances like washer and dryer as well as water heater.
Reassurance When Away: Stationary models often come equipped with a stand-by to trigger an automatic start-up when power lines go out. Especially useful when owners or house dwellers are away. Freezer and fridge will keep going, preventing the spoiling of food. House susceptible to floods will also need a working water pump to drain the basement and keep personal effects out of danger. And last but not least, homes equipped with security systems will not become sitting ducks for opportunistic burglars and looters.
Be Safe & Ready
Whatever the use when obtaining a home power generator, never should it be forgotten that it is an electric power generator, thus requiring relative safety when handling and installing. Make sure to have an expert do any wiring work to patch the generator directly into the house's electrical panel, and to equip your entire home with toxicity alarms if the basement or garage is chosen as resting space for the gas-powered models. Ask your retailer about the level of power your purchase will provide and safety features you might need to know about. Because lest we forget, knowing is half the battle.