Like everything else in life, there is a right way and a wrong way of going about it.
So, if you are going to make a serious attempt to get your ex girl back, you had better read what I have to tell you, before you even consider making your first move.
Because, if you don't, then I can almost guarantee that you are going to go about it in completely the wrong manner, starting right now.
And, guess what?
If you don't rethink and change your tactics completely, things are only going to get worse.
So, here are some of my most closely guarded personal secrets of what works and what definitely doesn't when you try to get your ex girl back.
The first thing is, stop acting like a lovelorn puppy dog.
If she wants a sad-eyed puppy in her life, she probably already knows where the pet shop is!
Being depressed, miserable and sorry for yourself will not impress her. Be absolutely assured that the ?please feel sorry for me? routine is nothing more than a one-way ticket out of the door on a permanent basis!
Although you may not feel like it at all, you must be strong and decisive, determined and forthright.
You must stand up for yourself, and make as much effort as it takes to show her that you are doing absolutely great, thank you very much!
Remember when you first met her?
Can you recall what it was that first made her pick you out from the crowd?
Maybe you cannot remember that far back.
Even if you can, and even if you think that you know what made her fall for you, I'm willing to bet that you are one hundred percent wrong!
See, the thing that so many guys miss out on is the simple fact that men and women just do not think the same.
When you met her, she probably looked good from the top of her head to the tips of her toes (and all the bits in between weren't bad either!).
That was it, game over as far as you were concerned.
Do you think that she did the same?
Errrr, no??.
Ever read in the ?Classifieds? where a girl is looking for a man with a ?GSOH? (good sense of humor)?
Do you imagine that she wants to spend her whole life laughing like a deranged hyena?
Of course she doesn't. What she really wants is someone with a positive and upbeat attitude to life, because that is what all women seek.
They want someone with the right attitude and the personality to make good things happen.
Looks come a long, long way down the league table of what even the most beautiful women are seeking in a man, which is indeed lucky for many of us!
So, you want to get your ex girl back?
Begin to show the right attitude, exert your true personality, and you will start to turn things around at exactly the same moment.
Stop being pathetic and needy. It's just not going to work.
You can get your ex girl back, but only if you go about it the right way.
Start doing so today, and see what a difference it can make!