Sometimes it takes days, months or even years, but sooner or later, the great majority of men forget their romantic side and tend to take their mates for granted.
The irony is that men hardly notice this, but their women surely will.
Here are a few things to watch out, for to gauge whether you have lost your sense of romance and perhaps need to re-charge it a bit.
(1) You buy her gifts for your own benefit.
When was the last time you bought her a gift and what kind of gift was it? Was it a household appliance or an ironing board for her to use on your clothes?
Those gifts are not romantic at all. She may even think that you just want her to do more work at home.
The next time you buy her a gift, make it something that is truly for her pleasure and hers alone. Jewellery is a fine example. Whatever the gift, make sure that you include a card with a heartfelt message. Women always appreciate that.
(2) You only kiss her before sex
Do you only kiss her as a prelude to sex and never during and after the sexual process or at any other time?
If yes, then your woman believes that you only kiss her when you want sex. Not good. Women enjoy kissing the man they love, whether it's sexual or non-sexual in nature, so give her regular doses of your kiss.
(3) You only have dinner by candlelight to save electricity.
Candles are a very romantic device whether you use them at the dinner table or in the bath tub. Stock up on some quality candles from the specialty store and use them when the occasion is right. Don't use them simply to save on electricity.
(4) The flowers you bought her were from the gas station.
When was the last time you bought her flowers? Probably on your anniversary, right? And where did you get them? from the gas station or some other cheap place?
If you did, she probably noticed that too, especially if they were limp or smelling of fumes. Women adore flowers, but not if they are given to her simply as a gesture.
(5) You never go on romantic walks.
When was the last time you had a walk with your significant other? Was it the time when you both took out the trash?
Women love to take romantic walks with their man, but not to go out on an errand. Next time the moon is out, take your lady love for a walk and get her heart racing.
(6) Your anniversary is usually at a buffet.
A couple's anniversary is supposed to be sacred, so don't go to a buffet feast to stuff your mouth with so much food that you have to unbuckle your belt.
The best place for an anniversary is somewhere new to her that is intimate and different, not a foodfest where you can gorge yourself.