The key is to find a few good keywords that will bring quality traffic to your website that will convert into a lead or sale. These words should be an obtainable goal as the amount of competition is key to how much time and labor you will put into your site before seeing great results.
What most people don't take into consideration is that they still have to design the web site around the potential customer. It's exciting to see your web site list in the first and second page of Google, Yahoo, and MSN but if the title and description content do not explain your service, it will be less likely you will ever get quality traffic to your site.
How do I achieve great placement and still keep my content customer based? You have to compromise being in first place for being tenth place. I will tell you why. Highly searched keywords usually have a lot of competition and usually the bigger sites beat out the small guys.
Work on your customer content first; after all if you actually get people to the site you want them to understand the services you are offering. Second, make sure they keywords you're trying to place with are actually not out of reach for the size and quality of your website. Third rearrange your site content to have your keywords placed through out. Don't go over board placing too many keywords on a page. concentrate on a couple of main keywords per page and have others read the content to make sure it clearly states what products or services you are offering.
Use your keywords in the metatag title and description and remember it should make since to your prospective customer when showing in the search results. Have it reflect the content on the page. This will help the search engines understand what your service offers and where to place your listings.
Do research on other web sites that are placing well for the keywords you plan on using. Type the listing into the search engine, click the cached link next to the listing and see how many times your keyword is highlighted on the page. Go to and see how many backlinks are placed for the site, and most importantly see how the content on the sites explain the product.
All these tips will help you see how to optimize your site for your customers and for the search engines.