Many people get totally confused to understand what success actually is. Is it a journey or a destination? Success is measured by the number of achievements you make. But the route which you follow to reach your goals is what actually matters. Think, can you reach a place if you want to skip the travelling part?
Just imagine, if I give you a minute and tell you to make a comparison between success and a journey, what would you come up with? I am sure, you'll find a number of similarities. Success can very easily be compared to a coveted journey you would love to make during your vacation. Not getting the point? Okay, let me explain. Consider any place you want to visit dearly. Now when you make a plan to visit a place what you do? You get the geographical details of the place. Do a little bit of research like the culture of the place, the people, best months to visit, the tourist attractions, how to reach etc. Right?
After this planning, you pack your bags and start your journey. While you cover your journey you might encounter few problems like a flat tyre, delayed or missed flights and so on. Then what do you do? Turn back and decide not to go? Change your plans? Return back to your home and spend the vacation in your sitting room, watching Television? Sounds drab, isn't it? I am sure you won't do that. Instead you'll carry on with your journey because you know that once you reach your destination, the troubles will soon be forgotten.
Similarly, success is like a journey. We all want to be successful like entrepreneurs, businessmen, industrialists. We all want to be famous. We all want achievements. So if you want to span the road of success, you must understand the meaning of success. Its just like deciding the place where you want to go. There are so many beautiful places in the world but why does a particular place charm you? Similarly you have to understand that there are a lot of things you can achieve but what is the most important to you. What you think can make you one of those successful people? Once you interpret your meaning of success, half the battle is won. Its very important because Unless and until you know where you want to go, you cant move ahead.
Now, once you have decided your destination, the next brightest thing would be to plan your journey and do the necessary exploration for it. Similarly, you have to sit back and do your goal setting. Your goals have to be in sync with the meaning of success you've discovered after questioning your inner self. Make a plan and be clear about how you want to go about to achieve your goals. Check out all the roads which lead to your destination and select the most feasible path.
After you've decided on a full-proof plan, pick up your bags and start moving towards your goals. Whatever problems come in your way, just whisk them away. Problems are there to make you wise. Be courageous. Be strong. Have a positive attitude. If you allow the failures to affect your plans, you'll never be able to achieve anything in life. Failure is not a bad thing. Its nothing to be ashamed of. Infact failures make you stronger for your new ventures. The way you would not let a flat tyre affect your travel plans, don't let failures feign a negative impact on you. Put a lot of hard work in whatever you do, and do it with a lot of sincerity.
Now when the major part is over, you'll see that you are very close to your goals. You will understand that the meaning of success, what you interpreted at the beginning is crystal clear by now. You will also understand that the journey to your achievements is really important. Completing the journey is
attainment of the real success.
So friends, destination is important, but more important than that is the road you follow to reach your destination, the journey you cover to reach your goals. So, never ever commit the mistake of treating success as a destination. Remember, achieving success is a lifelong journey!!