"British-American Tobacco Trading Company" - trading partner number 1 in Belarus in the opinion of representatives of major retailers - announces the results of its operations in 2008.
Sales "British-American Tobacco Trading Company" in 2008 amount to 116% of the volume in 2007.
Market share taken by production companies in the cities of Belarus is 16.2%.
6 brands of "British American Tobacco "are TOP25 most popular cigarettes in Belarus.
Makes us Vogue and KENT NANOTEK together hold 70.4% in the segment of super premium cigarettes.
PALL MALL is the most sold in Belarus brand of cigarettes with a carbon filter.
Under the contract production of JSC "GTF? Neman "released 5 billion cigarettes at the beginning of a mutually beneficial partnership.
"British-American Tobacco Trading Company" continues to be a leader in value terms at a high price ranges - is the proportion of products the company makes about 50%.
Edward Gramovich, director of "British-American Tobacco Trading Company": For 12 years our work in the Belarusian market has not been a single year, similar to the previous one. 2008 was also for our business and are extremely difficult. It is time to increase "quality" when he wins, who works better, faster, more efficiently. Today, each additional percentage growth in sales provides us with disproportionately hard. And that is why we can proudly say that the increase Sales of 16% over the previous year - this is our well-deserved success. "
Plans for "British-American Tobacco Trading Company" in 2009 - further expanding portfolio of brands produced in Belarus, especially in the segment of super cigarettes.
Basic information Plants "British-American Tobacco Trading Company" in 2008, "British-American Tobacco Trading Company", as the absolute leader in the implementation of corporate social responsibility among companies in Belarus, implemented in 2008 a number of projects and initiatives aimed at supporting national culture, providing charity care to vulnerable populations, the environment, the prevention of smoking among minors, the fight against illicit traffic in tobacco products.