How does a person dress for success for a business occasion? What is the difference between smart casual and formal dress code (for guys)? These are the two main questions which this article aims to answer based on the author's experience and knowledge gained from working with entrepreneurs and business people whose expertise includes knowing how to dress for success.
Dressing means that you wear yourself the and you wear your clothes in a confident manner in order to positively influence people on impact. They say that first impressions last, so knowing how to dress for success is the smart thing to do. Let's feel firstly with how to dress for a business occasion.
If you are going to be involved with a formal or informal business occasion, but you desire to look sharp, smart and highly polished - a corporate superstar businessman here's five things you can do to help yourself not only look and dress better, but feel better about yourself to, so your confidence shines from the inside out...
1) Wear a spotless suit, pressed shirt and clean tie (preferably silk). You can wear a tie-pin to keep the two parts of your tie together so long as it is not a "Mickey Mouse": exceptions are if you are representing Disney, or you are a child health doctor/paediatrician.
2) Make sure you are clean and spotless. Well-shaven, if you have foams and cleansers for face, use them, splash of aftershave/cologne,underarm deoderant and brush the hair so that you really look your "Sunday best" - this will make people feel you've made the effort, and that you are sharp and slick - you know how to take care of yourself. Others will look up to you automatically. Shower is absolutely mandatory.
3) Polish your shoes. Polish them again. And then shine them up. Having highly clean and shiny shoes make a real difference. Notice how other business people dress and how much more powerful their personality comes across when they are immaculately dressed, hair combed and shoes highly polished. You don't want to show a single sign of weakness, and so there is no excuse for not polishing up your shoes finely.
4) Clean and whiten teeth if possible. You do not want bad breath to let you down. So clean your teeth, including brushing your tongue. Floss and if you have tooth whitener, use that too. If you can, have your teeth cleaned by a dentist once per year.
5) Finally, work on your self talk. Look in to the mirror after you have got suited up and say about 100 times (one hundred) "I like myself" "I really like myself" and "I feel terrific" "I am the best" over and over and over until it feels bad. Then do it some more until you feel totally fired up. You'll leave the place you are getting ready with a fire in your heart and unstoppable confidence if you do this.
For a smart casual occasion it depends on your confidence. You can wear a jacket or sports jacket over a colored shirt or white shirt plus smart trousers, pressed and very new-looking smart shoes, or shined and polished office shoes. Alternatively, you can wear a pair of navy jeans with a stone washed effect down the middle - for a rough feel, but wear a white shirt and suit jacket (open neck shirt - no tie at all) and super-smart shoes.
Always, always ask your girlfriend/spouse how you look. More than likely they will help you add a finishing touch to your tie, shirt or belt, or pay you an awesome compliment to boost your confidence. Women know how to judge men's fashion better than most men, so performing this final step will help. Otherwise, get out there and meet people and remember you know how to dress for success