Hearken unto me, swingers of Toronto. The sexual revolution is not dead, and we are the new children of it's freedom. There was a glorious time there in the sixties when it looked like we would overcome the old, tired ideas about sex and monogamy, when it really looked like the human race could finally relax and have a little fun. We were on the brink of something glorious and what did we do? We turned away from it, and hid in the illusionary safety of a new dark age of fear and religious fanaticism.
Not so the Toronto swingers. AIDS has not frightened us, nor have the cruel scourges of the religious right. Toronto swingers are free from the clinging pall of violence and depravity that has hung for so long over the beautiful act of sex. Not love, people, but sex. We do it, we love it, and we are proud of it.
Toronto swingers are not intimidated by the judging stares of those who insist on a life filled with chastity, purity and interminable boredom. Do you know the reason why they hate us? Is it the risk of sexually transmitted disease? Only in the febrile nightmares of the truly ignorant. This is what condoms are for. People can be tested. AIDS is a demon, yes, but it's something that can be beaten by simple foresight and responsibility. Do they hate us because we are morally wrong, and a poor example for their children? I put it to you now, Toronto swingers, what is worse? Screwing the neighbor and lying about it, and then torturing yourself over it, or screwing the neighbor and admitting it, and inviting the spouse to join in? This is the lesson of swinging: Everybody fucks. The wise admit it and then have fun, the ignorant and the fearful hide it and revile it and make what should be the worlds greatest experience into a painful thing to be done behind locked doors.
Do you know why they hate us? Because they are jealous. Because they are small and sad, and we have all the fun. We are the only ones not plagued by the idea that someone out there is having more fun than us. Take heart, Toronto swingers, the new dark age will not last forever. Someday AIDS will die, and then those who live in fear of sex will come out of hiding, and we will be waiting here for them. We who never left.