A 100 gallon aquarium is not a purchase that one should be rushing into. The cost of actually buying the aquarium and then maintaining it, is going to be high as well. So there are certain things that you will need to take into consideration before you actually do decide to purchase a 100 gallon aquarium.
One of the first things you need to make a decision on, is whether it will contain freshwater or saltwater. After this, you then need to decide on the kinds of fish that your aquarium installation will have in it. Then you need to make a decision on the kinds of heating and filtration systems you want in it.
Other decisions you will need to make before you purchase your 100 gallon aquarium, are what shape it is going to be, and what accessories and decorations you will be placing inside. You also need to think carefully about the kind of stand or cabinet on which you will need to place such a large aquarium.
Below, we take a closer look at some of the points we have raised above, so that it can provide you with an idea of what you should be considering, before you make that all important 100 gallon aquarium purchase.
Is It To Be A Freshwater Or Saltwater 100 Gallon Aquarium?
This is the most important decision of all that you need to make before you go out and purchase your 100 gallon aquarium. The cost of setting up a freshwater aquarium over a saltwater one, is far less and plus freshwater aquariums, no matter what size, are far easier to maintain.
The problem with owning a saltwater 100 gallon aquarium, is that it is important that you keep a careful eye on the tank at all times, to ensure that the pH levels within the tank remain constant. This means that you will need to purchase certain chemicals to put into the aquarium, to ensure that you create the right environment for the fish and other marine life to enjoy.
As to what fish you put in your 100 gallon aquarium, this will also depend on whether it is a freshwater or saltwater tank. With a freshwater tank, you have the opportunity to keep fish such as Oscars and Catfish. Whereas with a saltwater tank, you have the opportunity to own more exotic types of fish and marine life, including Corals, Anemones, Moray Eels or Lionfish.
100 Gallon Aquarium - Other Purchasing Considerations
Once you have made the decision on whether your 100 gallon aquarium is going to be one that you keep freshwater or saltwater aquatic life in, you now need to decide what material the tank is going to be made from. You have two options available to you, being that the tank is made either from glass or from acrylic.
A good thing to do before you go out and spend money on these items, is to read as many different reviews as you can regarding the various different ones available. There are numerous places online that allow you to quickly and easily compare the many different types of 100 gallon aquariums available, and all the accessories that you will need to set up and run one.
When you are thinking about buying a 100 gallon aquarium, you must not only think about the cost of purchasing all the necessary equipment, but just how much time you will need to spend on this aquarium installation. Yes the tank is certainly going to be expensive, but so will the other equipment needed to create the ideal environment for the marine life being kept in it.