So you've been looking for lighthouse posters all over the place, and can't seem to find exactly the one that strikes your fancy. Something that appeals to your aesthetic sense of balance, yet still fits in with the decor or the master bedroom. Or whatever room you have in mind for that magnificent print. And kid yourself not, these prints can be very dramatic. What with waves crashing all over the place, in a display of fury and power unequaled in any other niche of nature.
Apart for the strength and ferocity of this artwork, they're is something symbolic about a light house picture as well. A certain reassuring calm, and sense of serenity pervades one, when looking at one of these pictures. A feeling, that seems somewhat removed from the true nature of why the building was put there in the first place. It was as we all know put there because of mortal danger. Mortal danger great enough to take hundreds of lives if given a chance.
Maybe not that dramatic for all, as many of todays existing lighthouses are simple navigational beacons. Not necessarily a messenger of impending doom. But more perhaps a gentle warning and suggestion as to which which one should go. A slight nudge perhaps, without being too pushy.
Lighthouses strike a number of human emotions. Because they are always near water, they evoke the maternal feel of mother ocean. As Jimmy Buffet would say 'mother mother ocean, I have heard your call . . ." . One of my favorite of his songs. Lighthouses evoke a similar response in many of us. The ocean / sea / lake are all gentle romantic places, with a darker side to be sure.
The artwork you'll find in this quest to cover that lonely patch of wall, is sure to show you some remarkably different vistas. From crashing waves, to calming regretful sunsets, to inspiring promising sunrises. They all belong in this genre, as they show the many faces of the lighthouse posters. As many faces as there are characteristics of man. The adviser, the tempest, the leader, the beacon of hope, and the harbinger of doom.
All I can say to guide you along in your search for the perfect image, is to go with your gut instinct. How do you feel, when you gaze upon one of these images. What kind of personality are you. Looking inside will help guide you to the right picture for any room in your home.