Water retention is part of the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) package. During this time, hormonal fluctuations can cause havoc in a woman's body. In some women the monthly rise in estrogen turns on the faucet for the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone, in turn, causes the kidneys to retain fluids and the woman to suddenly gain a few water-filled pounds.
Water retention treatment for women
Around the time you expect your period, start considering natural water retention treatment(http://www.mitamins.com/disease/Water-Retention.html) that is easy to absorb into your regular roster of habits. Dramatically reduce your salt intake, including natural treatment of your diet whether in or outside the house. Natural water retention treatment means considering those elements of your food that disrupt your equilibrium, especially as your equilibrium changes. Sodium increases fluid retention, so don't use the salt shaker. And if recipes call for salt, try adding more pepper or another spice instead. But, most importantly, cut down on processed foods and fast foods, all of which are overflowing with salt. For natural water retention treatment, the simple steps mentioned above can make all the difference.
Banana-powered natural water retention treatment
Bananas are good natural water retention treatments too. Grab some bananas and make a smoothie, or just peel and eat them plain. Bananas contain high amounts of potassium, which helps eliminate fluid retention. If you don't like bananas, you should try water retention prevention by using raisons instead.
Water against water retention
For hormonal water retention(http://www.mitamins.com/disease/Water-Retention.html) amelioration, water really helps flush out your system, actually naturally reducing the bloating effects of water retention. However, water might not be advisable natural solution to other types of water retention. So be careful and consult your doctor with your particular natural treatment plans.
Water retention at all other times
Although PMS is the major cause of water retention in women, both men and women can be affected by kidney problems that cause similar symptoms. Heart, liver, or thyroid malfunctions can also play a role in water retention. And, of course, eating too many salty foods can turn your body into a water-storage tank. Thanks to the effects of gravity, retained water tends to flow southward and pool in the feet, ankles, and legs, although no area of the body is immune. A natural treatment for water retention(http://www.mitamins.com/disease/Water-Retention.html) that is easy to try is using gravity to your benefit. Try to elevate your legs frequently. When ankles puff up, applying an ice pack can help bring them back to normal size.