You might wonder as to why I'm doing all of these, ask no more, I am a smoker. I can consume up to 2 packs or cigarettes in less than 24 hours. Whoa! Hold your horses that are if I don't drink. If and when I am drinking, make that double.
You see, I am a 32 year old Mother of 2 wonderful children. Yes! I am getting old, and I know very well, what I will get in the future, if I don't start being health conscious, or rather, if I don't start quitting this bad habit that I acquired almost a decade ago. I know with the bad beating that I give myself, for repeatedly inhaling tars and some elements of carcinogens, carbon monoxide and even some synthetic materials. I know that one day, if I don't stop at all, I might as well be ready when I get a lung cancer.
Okay, back to the good side. There's this Herbal Vaporizer which you can use as a substitute for smoking cigarettes. It's a wonder how things like these come in time to solve one of the world's fastest and largest causes of death (Lung Cancer). Instead of puffing and actually inhaling the smoke that you get when you light a cigarette. You puff and inhale the herbs vapor directly from your machine. Yes! It is not as stylish as holding that cigarette stick in your hand. And you really won't look cool either when you use outside of your place. But hey! Think of your life, and of the others that will also get sick due to your non-stop puffing.
And yes! This isn't as cheap as a pack or even a rim of your favorite cigarette. But come to think of it, if you combine all the money that you have used for buying your vices in say the last ten years like me. You might be able to buy not just one unit of this Herbal Vaporizer, 3, 4 or even more. And, not to mention, the medical bills that you will be paying later on.
I'm not going to give this Herbal Vaporizer a thought. I would do my very best to get one, that is if I really can't get myself to actually quit smoking. I want to be able to save myself, from whatever disease that my smoking habit will bring me later on in this life.