Poetry is a form of expression. Whether it is spoken or written, it is the manifestation of thoughts, feelings, and intellect. It is a way of communicating. With poetry one can effectively communicate opinion, desire, ideas, cleverness, and most of all state of mind. Although poetry is a supreme form of expression, it is not the most efficient form of expression. It is subject to the reader's or listener's interpretation. A poet may want to express certain notions but the interpretive elements of poetry can sometimes keep the meaning of a poem from being clearly articulated. We all see and feel things differently.
Most poets want to evoke emotion in the reader or listener. They'll often use rhythm and rhyme with a swarm of other literary devices to create such an effect. Poetry is like music! Actually, one could reason that poetry is music. It is the art of arranging sound to create a thought-provoking effect.
Therefore, poetry is also defined as literature that focuses on the aesthetic beauty of words and sound. It is artistic writing in metrical form. It takes skill and technique to produce this art-an art that seems to define itself as its definitions come across as being somewhat poetic.
Poetry is the science of versification. It is creative expression at its finest, which is why sharing, writing, or reciting poetry can be a deeply personal experience. It is truly an art form.