If you get nervous around women, you know that picking up women is no small feat. For those of you that become speechless in the presence of a beautiful woman, we have tips on picking up women that should make your next attempt successful. Although it seems to come natural to some men, picking up a woman is not a spur of the moment event. At least five minutes of planning go into this, including at least two and a half minutes of tips on picking up women from your buddies. The rest of the time is usually designated for practicing said tips and confident walk over to the woman of your dreams.
• Eye contact. This helps you gauge the level of interest of any woman in the room. Before you mistakenly rush over to a taken woman, do a little eye flirting to gauge her interest.
• Smile whenever you are putting out vibes that you're looking. A smile says you're approachable and easy going.
• Don't run with the pack. If you are looking to pick up a woman, it is best to be solo or with maybe just one other. Too many guys can become distracting and you will forget that you're looking for ladies.
• Relax. You need to be relaxed in order to make her feel relaxed. Don't try to push things through, just keep a calm outlook and appearance and she will be more likely to keep up a conversation.
• Laugh with her. Talk about funny stories, or interesting happenings. This will make her feel comfortable around you and could even be the deciding factor that could win her heart.
These three tips on picking up women are true for most situations whether its nightclub, office party or a wedding reception. Picking up women isn't a group activity and really only require a wingman at the most. In addition, a group atmosphere makes it easy to chicken out and forget about picking up women altogether.
Find a way to make her laugh. Everyone knows that a sense of humor is at the top of every woman's must-have list, and having the ability to make a woman laugh gives you an advantage over most men. Don't go for a cheesy joke, just relax and focus on having a good time and the laughter will come. If you're looking for tips on picking up women, you should also know what tips to ignore. Don't do any of these when attempting to pick up a woman;
• Don't ever use pick up lines: what's your sign and come here often are lame and let's her know that you're lame too.
• No sexual innuendo
• Don't compliment boobs, legs, or butt
• Don't ask if she's even been in or considered a threesome
Some of these seem far-fetched but you'd be surprised at the things some men say. If your problems go beyond this article, consult the experts and pick up your free seduction report.