Why is this widespread "Secret" so popular, and what is it? Perhaps it is because many people think it is something new - and people love learning about and trying new things ' or perhaps it has met its recent success because people are becoming aware that it is indeed for real, and it does indeed work!
What you give, and what you do, comes back to you. Even more important, what comes back to you is often much stronger, better and in much greater supply than you had given originally! When you have this point clearly in mind, you are sure to agree that if you want the best in life, and the best that life has to offer, giving that which is the most positive will benefit you in ways you may not even have dreamed of before!
If you give and do good, good will return to you. Whether it is in terms of expressing positive thoughts, giving something of a material nature, or simply being positive in general, you will see that it has an astounding effect. The more positives you send out (words, actions, good deeds, etc.), the more positives you will receive!
Once you change your thought pattern, your actions will change, and so will your life and people around you will start to "tune in" to you. They will be strong, influential people in the manner by which they respond to what you send out, reflecting it all back to you in abundance! You may or may not have any knowledge about the amazing powers of the universe; you may or may not be aware of what those powers mean to you personally; but whether you have any such scientific knowledge or not, the proof is in the results.
If you are in the slightest bit skeptical, all you need to do in order to gain the proof that you need is to begin putting the Secret into practice. Instead of dwelling on the negative things in life, focus on the most positive. Do not allow your mind to dwell on negative thoughts - instead, change them to positive thoughts, those that are beneficial to you and to others. Instead of doing and giving as little as you possibly can, be as open, charitable, and generous as you can. And instead of waiting for good things to happen for you, take a great step toward causing them to happen!
Applying the Secret to your life and to your manner of living will show you that you are a part of this great universe, and that its great power is there for you! When you have the willingness to give it your best, you will see that you will receive its best in return!