Welcome ladies and gentleman to another edition of ?The Spotlight? by yours truly, GM American. This week, I will be giving my afterthoughts on some major events that I caught from TNA's Lockdown PPV as well as from RAW and ECW. So without further ado, let's take a trip down to TNA Lockdown.
1) TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Samoa Joe def. Kurt Angle- Now I must say, in my honest opinion, this match lived up to it's fullest hype and potential. At first, when I first learned that Samoa Joe would once again be going against Kurt Angle at the Lockdown PPV, I figured that another loss was coming. But then came the severe training sessions he participated in and the major promise that he made stating that he would quit professional wrestling if he lost to Kurt Angle. It was then that I realized that unless Samoa Joe had some type of plans outside of wrestling that he wanted to pursue, there was no way in hell he was going to lose to the Olympic Gold Medalist. Now that the match is said and done, with Samoa Joe set to return to TNA Impact as the new champion, I can now say that Kurt Angle can return to playing little games with Tomko and Styles while Samoa Joe prepares to take on Scott Steiner.
Question: Who do I think will win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship match between Samoa Joe and Scott Steiner? Well this is a hard question considering that I am a fan of both Samoa Joe and Scott Steiner (although I have to admit I don't know too much about Samoa Joe). But I will say this'no matter what type of match they end up competing in at the next pay per view, it will be a truly physical battle, and I think that Samoa Joe will come out on top.
2) Team Cage vs Team Tomko: Team Cage def. Team Tomko- The weeks leading up to TNA Lockdown were definitely interesting to me as I continuously thought that Christian Cage would be screwed with no chance at being victorious after Team Tomko had inherited Team 3D..and Storm later on. But then came the huge politician, Kevin Nash?the forgiveness from Rhyno?and return of legendary icon Sting?and in my opinion, the perfect mastermind?Matt Locker. When it was all said and done, there was no doubt in my mind that Team Cage would walk into Lockdown and come out victorious. Now I don't know what will come of this battle now that it's over, but I will say one thing. I would love to see Christian Cage and Rhyno challenge Tomko and Styles to a match for the tag team championship, and hopefully emerge victorious.
Now it's time to head down to the land of RAW's Main Event
3) Randy Orton vs William Regal: Last week, William Regal challenged Randy Orton to a match and said that in London, he will teach the Legend Killer a thing or two about respect. Of course, why not welcome to the interference of Triple H and JBL. At the end of the night, it was Randy and Triple H that was laid out on a mat, with JBL being the one standing with the WWE Championship belt in his hand.
Question: What does the WWE Championship picture look like right now? Well to be honest, I will start off this answer by saying that I was wrong when I wrote in my article last week that I thought John Cena would have a chance to win the championship. Even though I still stand by the fact that he indeed has what it takes to win this match, but it is clearly evident that he does not have the time to be around RAW very much right now since he is taking part of that movie shoot (evidence of that was shown when WWE allowed Cena to stay wherever he was making the movie shoot). So now my prediction to win the championship stands at the hands at either Randy Orton or Triple H. I mean, the evidence is clearly there. Randy Orton has clearly stepped over every challenge in his way, even if it meant slapping around a few referees or delivering low blows to Shawn Michaels or having JBL kick Y2J in face, or kick Triple H out of the way of pinning John Cena just to secure his championship. But then on the other hand, you have a ?King? that's been more hungrier than ever to reclaim championship gold and has gone through insurmountable odds just to get here. He's been the pain side of Vince McMahon for several months, he took a loss to Ric Flair only to reclaim his spot in the Royal Rumble a few weeks later?only to accept a loss to John Cena. He won the Elimination Chamber to advance to Wrestlemania to face off for the championship?only to accept getting kicked away from the title and now getting himself bombared with three other competitors who all want the same thing. In my opinion, if HHH does come out victorious, the scenario will be simple. John Cena gets knocked out by a Clothesline From Hell from JBL who then gets caught by an RKO from Randy Orton who then falls victim to a Pedigree.
Last stop?.Land of Extreme?with Brothers of Destruction
4) Kane and Undertaker vs John Morrison & The Miz: Brothers of Destruction def. WWE Tag Champs- In what I found to be a truly interesting battle, it was no surprise that Kane and Undertaker ended the match the way that they did. Now I have to admit, I badmouthed Kane about the way he won the ECW Championship from Chavo Guerrero. But now that I think about it, WWE has done a great job making the storylines with the Brother's of Destruction as reigning champions for ECW and Smackdown. With that said, it is my belief that both Undertaker and Kane will remain champs after Backlash.
Other notable actions from RAW:
***HBK silences Chris Jericho: Shawn Michaels came out on RAW discussing his upcoming match against Batista at Backlash. While he was talking, Chris Jericho decided to come out and give his ?doctor analysis? saying that it's in HBK's nature to do the type of things that he did to Ric Flair and that he simply can't help the fact that he has a big ego and simply wanted to end Ric Flair's career. He even went on to suggest that it was probably that Heartbreak Kid that suggested the stipulation to Vince McMahon in the first place and urged the Showstopper to admit it. However, the only thing HBK admitted to Jericho was a nice dose of Sweet Chin Music to the Intercontinental Champion's mouth and the fact that not only did that kick feel pretty good but he intends on defeating The Animal at Backlash.
My Opinion: Well with Chris Jericho being slated as the special guest referee of this match, it will be quite complicated to see HBK come out victorious over the Animal, seeing as how you will have two men in the ring that both think that HBK is an egotistic person that selfishly ended the best career in WWE history. However, even if it means that Y2J will have to suffer another taste of Sweet Chin Music, Shawn Michaels will find a way to win over The Animal and put his personal demons behind him once and for all.