If you have ever heard of the concept of neurolinguistic programming, or NLP, which was originally conceived by linguist John Grinder and Gestalt therapist/computer programmer Richard Bandler, you will remember that it is basically a bunch of positive thinking techniques that has become popular in recent years by Anthony Robbins. Anthony Robbins explains the meaning of "neurolinguistic programming like this:
"The name comes from neuro, referring to the brain, and linguistic, referring to language. Programming is the installation of a plan or procedure. NLP is the study of how language, both verbal and nonverbal, affects our nervous system. It is in our ability to do anything in life which is based upon our ability to direct our own nervous system. Those people who are able to produce some outstanding result do so by producing specific communications to and through the nervous system".
One of the most popular methods for doing this is called modeling. This method basically states that behaviors can be installed into a person much in the same way that you would insert software onto a computer. You can use language to program the human mind with productive beliefs and behavior rather than bad ones. All you have to do is pick a successful person to serve as the model, and then imitate them. He believes that by doing this you can program your mind to successful habits. Anthony Robbins says that a key aspect to NLP is that all human beings share the same basic neurology. This means that if anyone in the world is successful at doing a something, any other human being can do the same thing if they run their own mindset in the exact same way. That is where the term modeling came from because you are modeling your behavior after them. You can also take advantage of personal development affiliate programs like SkyQuestCom or Success University
If you want to achieve success, all you need to do is find someone to model yourself after and all will be fine. The hard part may just be finding that person to start with. The best part about Anthony Robbins method is that you can apply it to any aspect of your life. For example, you can be a better parent, athlete, chef, student and any other aspect of your life that you want to be successful in. Anthony Robbins methodology might sound too simple, but that is part of its brilliance as it makes it easier to understand and apply to your life.