Most men give away all their power and status as soon as an attractive woman enters the picture. They chase her around, they change their plans to fit in with her schedule, they give up their interests and friends. In short, they focus all their attention on the woman. The more attractive she is, the more they do this.
Women are sick of being given all the decision making power and being with men that they dont have to work for. They want a challenge, and they dont want to think that all you have is them.
A feminine woman still wants a masculine man, modern men are less attractive because they dont have the manly qualities that women want on a base level. Follow these rules and you will become a more attractive man, make your women happier, and have more control over your love life.
1. Lead
Can I have your number? Are you free on Wednesday? How about Tuesday? What time? What would you like to do? All questions that give away the decision making power, and they are normally asked in this order before a first date.
Most people like surprises and like to follow. Im hungry, lets get something to eat, We should hang out, give me your number, Im going to watch a film, want to come?. This is leading in a polite way that allows her to join you in your fun life.
2. Have Other Passions
Have hobbies and people you care about and dont throw all that out the window when you meet an attractive girl. These things are what make you attractive in the first place.
3. Have a Purpose
Know what you are doing in life, people that float around or give it all up for a woman are not attractive. Decisive people on a mission are attractive. Be one.
4. Be High Status
In any interaction, there is a status relationship. The person with the higher status is the leader, the decision maker, and the one that starts & ends interactions on their own schedule. High status males in film and TV turn women on. Be one.
5. Dont Change Who You Are
If she says she doesnt like something about you your music, fashion sense, taste in films, listen but dont change your whole life based on. Make changes if you also agree.
If not, stay who you are, a woman will get bored of a man that becomes her dream man, she enjoys the battle of trying to tame you and change you, dont take that away from her.
Keeping to these rules is difficult, but once they are habit, you will be better than 99% of males and will be the man that most women dream of.