Are you a skilled artist producing high-quality famous artwork? It can be tricky when you're just starting out for the first time selling your artwork. Getting people interested enough in your work to want to buy it will definitely be your largest challenge. It is EXTREMELY expensive and time consuming to set-up your dragon artwork, fantasy artwork, fairy artwork, etc? at art galleries. Most artists are now turning to online art galleries not only for lower costs, but it leads to higher sales.
If you are not familiar with an online art gallery, you will be now. Online art galleries provide artists a chance to display their artwork online. All your art will be photographed and displayed on the particular online art gallery website. Often times than not, there are several artists work being displayed at the same time on a single website. You can simply create your own website and display your art on there, or if you do not wish to share one with other artists. If you are computer illiterate don't worry, there are plenty of people you can hire out there to design a website for cheap! Outsourcing the creation of websites is a huge business and finding a website designer has never been so easy.
There are many online art galleries on the internet for you to join. It is usually free to list your piece(s) of part and the only time you are charged is when you sell something. They may take only a small portion of each sale usually 5% or less. The great thing about an online art gallery is you're art is displayed across the entire world on the internet instead of being displayed at a specific location. For example your artwork may not be appealing to Americans and does not sell well in America, if someone see's the same type of artwork in Mexico sales may shoot through the roof. Not all online galleries are the same. Some may only charge a one time membership fee. If you do your research and compare prices of various online art galleries, there should be no problem finding a great deal. The exposure of online art galleries is phenomenal.
The sky is the absolute limit with online art galleries and not only are you saving a ton of money by listing your artwork through online art galleries, your sales will hit the roof. Better yet, you are saving tons of travel time, gas money, and possible hotel costs if you have to travel to the nearest art gallery. Gas is approaching $4.00 a gallon which is ridiculous, who wants to travel nowadays?
I hope this article has shed some light on how amazing online art galleries are and I wish you the best of luck being a famous artist. There is a lot of money in this business and if you are half as talented as I was, you can be earning 6 figures in no time by selling your artwork through online art galleries.