If you are getting prepared to sell a home then you should know that an open house is the best way to show what you have to offer. Buyers love to drive around their favorite neighborhoods or follow their real estate agent in search of their potential dream home. An open house is basically a showroom and should be treated as such. Here are some things for you to keep in mind and consider if you are selling property.
Your home should be spotless so potential buyer can see it at its best. Clean everything including appliances and inside cupboards since buyers like to look at everything. If you're not a neat freak or you have no time to do a spring cleaning then hire a cleaning service; it will pay off in the long run. If you are living at the property then it's important to keep the home clean since you never know when the house might be shown.
Offensive odors are a big distraction and will turn away buyers. Take out your garbage regularly and keep your fridge clean. Make sure you remove any offensive odors and if you have pets then try as much as possible to hide signs of a pet from view and smell. Keep you yard free of dog mess and hide litter boxes. Pets may be a turn off to potential buyers if they have allergies.
Another turn off is clutter and if you're a packrat then this can be a challenge. Not only should piles of clutter be out of sight but also other things that will distract potential buyers. Put appliances in cupboards so there is as much counter space as possible. Remove family photos and other personal effects since you want buyers to envision the home as their own. Don't shove everything into closets since buyers like to look in closets.
To make rooms appear larger, try to remove unessential furniture since buyers are looking for space. If you are planning on getting rid of some things anyway then have a garage sale before you put your house on the market. Otherwise, consider renting a storage unit and putting non-essential furniture there until your home sells.
Be prepared to show your home at anytime and while you may request 24 hour notice, you should know that many sales take place with short notice viewings. If you are serious about selling your home then have your home ready to show. Always be willing to accommodate potential buyers. Again, have your home clean and odor free.
Since people feel uncomfortable about asking questions in front of the owner, it's a good idea to be away during an open house. If you're there during the open house or while prospective buyers are there, they won't take their time and feel comfortable.