The best method that is not very expensive is using search engines. The proper use of keywords is what will get that targeted traffic to your website and possibly get you a customer. So it is necessary that you use them correctly to get the most traffic you can and to not risk the rejection from the search engines.
To begin, search engines differ so you must learn about each one and determine what you need to do to get high visibility. Another suggestion is to not use the free web hosting if you sincerely want to get a high listing from a search engine.
Next, make sure you are ready for traffic. Review your website and make sure no links or graphics are missing. There are free websites that will review yours for you.
Now some hints for the use of your keywords. Use several keywords that will draw the targeted audience. Make sure they are relevant to your subject. Put yourself in the readers place and ask yourself what words would they choose to search for something your website can offer a solution to.
There are also some methods people use that can get you downgraded on the list by the search engines or even removed. For example, keyword stacking or stuffing. Keyword stacking is using the same keywords repeatedly. Search engines can catch this. Keyword stuffing is using keywords that really don't describe the graphic on your website.
Another method not to use is using keywords that grab the readers attention but they really have nothing to do with your website subject. Keyword stuffing and irrelevant keywords can lead to your page or entire website being eliminated by the search engines. It is not worth the risk to use these methods.
A few more methods to not use are trying to hide your keywords or keyword phrases or making them so small that they can hardly be read. This is dishonest and not good in risking your website. Using text from other websites is also wrong. Search engines can also detect when someone does this. It is also a huge risk of losing your listing with that search engine.
The proper use of keywords is your best bet for search engine optimization and getting that targeted traffic to your website. Trying to take a short cut or being dishonest in how you use keywords will only bring you trouble and make your time invested in it unproductive.