There is no rheumatoid arthritis drug that comes even close to the amazing healing power of this forgotten remedy. It is one of the most effective remedy's in the world and will continue to remain one of natures heavy hitters in healing.
But like many things people only imagine something to be effective if it is complex and expensive.But the truth is nature is simple, free and a genius in its healing ability. In fact one definition of genius is to make complex things simple.Nature heals in the simplest of ways but has unmatched healing power.
Now this remedy from nature has been used in all cultures across the world for thousands of years.
The romans made use of this remedy in training their gladiators because they knew that this secret remedy seemed to strengthen and enlarge their muscles.
Also native american indians used this secret remedy to gain tremendous amounts of energy. In fact after absorbing this remedy for two hours they used to gather so much energy that they didn't need food for the rest of the day.
Your whole body surface was designed by god to enjoy this remedy. Have you guessed what this extraordinary secret remedy is yet?
This secret remedy is the sun.
Now your next question should be how do you use the sun like the ancients did in order to help heal your rheumatoid arthritis? I will explain this in detail within this newsletter but first let me destroy some myths about the sun.
Myth one. Will sunlight cause skin cancer?
It's easy to forget in the midst of the cancer epidemic that cancer was traditionally a rare disease affecting less than one percent of the population. The healthy long lived populations like the hunzas and the vilcabambas lived at high elevations where the sun was more intense. They were out farming every day in the direct sun, yet they lived to very old ages without getting cancer.
If the sun causes cancer, how did these people ever survive?
The fact is that skin cancer is the end-result caused by unhealthy eating, unhealthy lifestyle and an unhealthy mind state which causes your skin to contain free radicals which leads to skin cancer. Skin cancer is not a result of natures sun shine, it is a result of ignoring natures laws.
Sunbathing actually helps heal those with cancer by building up their body's vital energies, immunity and increasing the oxygen in their tissues. In fact sunlight treatments reduced malignant cancer growths by fifty percent in animal experiments done in russia by dr zabaluyeva.
Myth two. Should you use sunscreens?
In past few decades there has been an increasing use of sunscreens and the interesting fact is it has done nothing to stop the increasing rate of skin cancer.
In fact the chemicals in sunscreens may even become carcinogenic when exposed to sunlight. Researchers at the anderson cancer center in houston say, there is no substantial evidence that sunscreen protects against any of the three forms of skin cancer.
Sunscreens should not be used on your skin because they contain toxic, unnatural ingredients that block the beneficial effects of the suns rays from entering your body. Anything that blocks sunshine from penetrating your skin will reduce the amount of Vitamin d that your body makes.
The fact is you are designed to be out in the sun. Sunlight is absolutely essential for good health and for treating rheumatoid arthritis.
Benefits of sunlight.
Sunlight helps strengthen your muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. Sunlight saturates your body with known and unknown nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Sunlight helps to control your metabolism, hormone production, reproductive function, internal clock and your mood. Recent studies have found that sunlight can help protect you from cancer.Sunlight also provides you with your main source of vitamin d, this nutrient strengthens your bones, muscles and boosts your immune system. Sunlight can help prevent and heal many common and often fatal disease like arthritis, breast cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis.
Sunlight is used successfully to speed up the healing of wounds, it is natures antibiotic.Sunlight can cheer you up by altering your mood chemically by increasing the amounts of serotonin in your body.Sunlight also stimulates the pineal gland which is a tiny pea-sized organ found in the base of your brain which helps to regulate your activity cycles. The suns rays are antiseptic and are capable of killing bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts, molds and mites.
Sunlight increases your sense of well-being and improves sleep. Sunlight improves your thyroid function, appetite, assimilation, elimination and metabolic processes. Sunlight helps to remove poisonous chemicals and heavy metals from your bloodstream while levels of healthy trace minerals are actually increased in your blood. Sunlight helps reduce your resting heart rate, blood pressure and respiration rate. Sunlight stimulates the production of more red and white blood cells.
Why you should never wear glasses when exposing yourself to sunlight?
The healing rays of natural sunlight cannot penetrate glass. So you don't generate vitamin d when sitting in your car or home or when you are wearing glasses, sunglasses or contact lenses because they block the beneficial effects of sunlight.
In order to effectively gain the benefits of the suns rays you must expose yourself to direct sunlight without sitting behind glass and without wearing sunglasses, glasses or contact lenses. The healing rays of sunlight are only absorbed directly through your skin and through the retina in your eyes. The sunlight that enters into your retina is a very important nutrient.
The importance of exposing your whole body to direct sunlight without wearing sun glasses is highlighted by a very interesting experiment that dr john nash ott accidentally stumbled upon. John nash was involved in studies of health and sun light. He was exposing himself, plants and animals regularly to sunlight and recording the healing effects. During this period dr ott accidentally dropped and broke his prescription glasses which thus forced him to expose his eyes to sunlight without glasses. And incredibly after doing this all his symptoms of arthritis disappeared soon after.
From this ott considered that the full spectrum sunlight's effect happened not only from its impact on the skin but through the eyes. So just remember when exposing your body to sunlight, take off your glasses, sunglasses or contact lenses so your eye can receive the entire spectrum of the sunlight. Do not look directly at the sun with your eyes but be in the sunlight without wearing your sunglasses or glasses.
When is the best time of day to get a sun bath?
The best time of day to expose your whole body to sunlight is at sunrise or within two hours after sunrise. Or if this time isn't possible the next best time is in the morning hours before eleven am. During these early morning hours there is more pure healing energy in the atmosphere which the suns rays pick up and lodge into your body. At sunrise the sun holds more energy, vitamins and minerals then at sunset. It is also scientifically proven that the atmosphere during this time is more free from ultraviolet rays and infrared rays which are harmful to your health.
In general avoid sunlight exposure after eleven am because more negative, harmful energies increase in the atmosphere at this time.
Sunbath as much of your body as possible.
In your own house if you have total privacy and hundred percent safety you should sun bath in the full nude so you can expose every part of your body to the healing rays of the sun. If this is not possible you should wear as little as possible like bathers when exposing your body so you can get the maximum amount of the suns rays on your body.
First expose the front of your body to the sun, then turn over and expose your back to the suns healing rays. It is very important to get gradual amounts of sunlight on your body and build up gradually over time.
How much sunlight should you get?
When sunbathing you should start by keeping your sun exposures to three minutes per side and then gradually increase your exposure by a minute each day until you reach one hour of exposure every day.
By mild exposure in gradually increasing increments you will condition your skin and body to the suns healing rays. Your body will naturally and effortlessly be able to handle large amounts of sun light without any detrimental effects or sunburn.
But any color change in the skin beyond the slightly pink stage is a sign that you have overdone it. The therapeutic effects occur just below the level of turning red. Remember that it takes time for your skin color to change. Be sure to get out of the sun before you turn pink or it may be too late. Make sure you never allow yourself to get burnt.
Pray to the sun.
On the material plane the sun is the link between humanity and God. The Sun contains many mystical secrets which the ancients knew. These secrets have been lost to the modern world. While bathing in the sun you should talk to the sun like you would talk to your dearest friend. The sun contains infinite knowledge and has the ability to transmit that knowledge to you on a subtle level. Tell the sun your problems and ask the sun how you can solve these problems. Ask the sun these questions with faith, respect, love and concentration. You will be surprised at what answers you get.
The sun will impart knowledge and answers to your questions on a subtle intuitive level. Or through the suns grace certain circumstances in your life will arise to help you solve your problems.
What dangers to avoid while exposing your body to sunlight.
Do not overheat yourself when exposing yourself to the suns rays. Overheating can lead to heat exhaustion or sunstroke. Do not look directly at the sun with open eyes as it can damage your eyes. Do not stay too long in the sun so you burn your skin, always get out of the sun before your skin turns red. Sunburn is harmful to your health. What you want to do is slowly build up your tan over time gradually and naturally.
This single remedy of sunlight is a potent addition to add to your healing weapons against rheumatoid arthritis but used alone it will not fully cure rheumatoid arthritis. It is just one of the weapons you need to use in order to conquer the disease.
To fully heal rheumatoid arthritis you need to combine many healing elements.
This includes the following.
Step one. Detoxification. This step includes liquid fasting, detoxification herbs, detoxification diets and detoxification enemas.
Step two. Rejuvenation. This step includes rejuvenation diet, rejuvenation lifestyle, rejuvenation herbs, rejuvenation treatments that are specifically designed to rejuvenate your joints.
Step three. Alternating between detoxification and rejuvenation. This step includes repeating the above mentioned detoxification and rejuvenation cycles until you are cured.
Step four. Prevention. This includes using diet, lifestyle, herbs and other procedures that are based on your unique constitution in order to prevent rheumatoid arthritis returning to you after you have cured yourself.
All this rare, highly unique, potently powerful healing knowledge is covered in complete detail in my rheumatoid arthritis home healing course at my website.