When it comes to working online many people choose to promote one affiliate program or another. In essence it seems like it would be easy to do; sign up for a program and then get your referral link seen in as many places as possible, unfortunately more often than not it’s a lot easier said than done when it comes to getting others to join your chosen program.
Visit any of the traffic exchanges for example and you’ll no doubt see the same program being promoted by hundreds of different people, the odds of someone randomly clicking on your link are probably slim to none. Too often people join a program and then expect things to just happen for them after doing nothing more than adding their link to a traffic exchange or forum etc, so they quickly become frustrated when they don’t earn any money and either give up entirely or try the exact same methods with a different program.
While there is never any guarantee that you can recruit others into your chosen program there are ways to improve the odds a little by giving people a reason to want to click on your referral link.
If you want your promotion to stand out above the others you can try some of these tips:
First and foremost be honest: No matter where you are or who you’re talking to, don’t give false promises, you’ll be a lot better off if you build people’s trust by speaking truthfully about the program.
Create a blog or squidoo lense etc and give people a reason to want to visit your affiliate program. Write blog posts discussing different aspects of the program and then link them to your referral link. People are often more inclined to click on these types of links if there is a personal touch.
Write articles and post them to the many free article directories etc. Don’t write them with the view point of selling something, write your articles to be honestly helpful on your chosen subject you can then add a link back to your blog etc in the authors box.
Find related forums and other social sites and make yourself known to others in your field: add your link to your signature line. If people appreciate the advice and other information you offer in the forum they will take the time to visit your link. Make sure you don’t just post and run though, you may quickly be viewed as a spammer and not only banned from the forum but discover people will purposely ignore any links you may share.
These are just a few tips, if you combine some of these with your usual efforts such as traffic exchanges and safelists etc you may soon see an increase in not only traffic but sign-ups as well.