Well, to be successful as web marketer you certainly need your own website, but it needn’t be flashy and fancy but only professional and affable with online users. Even better if is holds quality certificates like Page ranks and SERP ranking on popular search engines.
However what basically is required is a website that offers space to publish banner ads. Etc.
You could find scores of such websites online which are completely filled with banners and ads for their merchant’s products and services. Such banner farm websites although do a good job at registering for several affiliate marketing programmes, however they completely negate the aspect of effectiveness with their marketing campaigns.
How effective do you think is a site that offers a number of banners and links on a single page? …….Probably very little.
For a wannabe affiliate the foremost concern is perhaps to launch and maintain a website for the purpose of marketing. Launching a website can be fairly simple with site builder software available for free online. If not that, hire a designer who could build you a neat site which is resourceful of the genre` that it deals in. The key to online success of a website is mostly its user friendliness and the content that it carries to make it as informative as possible.
So delve in the booming industry of affiliate internet marketing. Be an affiliate or a publisher to merchants and popular brands and let your website earn you good returns. But remember the key to effective affiliate campaigns is not banner farming but selective choice of well paying merchants and knowledge of the product you are promoting.