What would your answer be if you were asked the number one reason why you are in Internet marketing or operate a niche business? For many Internet market and niche business owners, profit would most likely be their gut reaction. However, many Internet marketers and niche business owners are in this business for more than money. They work toward earning a profit, but also want to improve their relationships with other business and also pump up their own ego.
These answers are the three major reasons why people participate in Joint Ventures. Joint Ventures increase profits in addition to building business relationships and exciting our egos. Let's take a look closer look at these three reasons behind participating in a Joint Venture.
Joint Venture Motivation Number One: Joint Ventures build relationships. Isn't it nice when people approach you and want to serve you? They want to support you and be your best friend? This acceptance promotes goodwill and prompts you to want to support the other person as well. The same mentality works in a Joint Venture. Approach a Joint Venture and explain to them that you want to be their best friend and increase their profit. Explain that you want to make their business vision grow and improve.
When you initiate a Joint Venture relationship make sure you do it because you want to, not because you expect a similar action in return. If you are only out for your own gain be careful because a potential Joint Venture partner can smell your selfishness a mile away. Remember, building a relationship is a two way street.
Joint Venture Motivation Number Two: Money you earn in a Joint Venture. Ensure that you are participating in Joint Ventures that will bring in a profit. Not every Joint Venture will yield a profit. Why? Let's say you are approached to participate in a Joint Venture. Examine the refund rate of the other business. Do they have a high refund rate? If they do, then run the other way. Their sales numbers may look profitable on the surface, but really aren't when you take into consideration the high refund rate. You may end up earning far less than you think.
Joint Venture Motivation Number Three: Joint Ventures pump up your ego. When you run a business you not only want to make money, but earn name recognition as well. Demonstrating that you can play in a business league with professionals such as Tony Robbins will improve your popularity and success. If you are working with highly recognized professionals then use their names and a reference to help bring in Joint Ventures. Remember to always be truthful.