Joint venture partners are generally big players in your niche who you can really leverage to boost your business
Affiliates can be anyone who wants to promote your products and services to make a buck.
Generally I don't think there is much of a difference between a joint venture partner and an affiliate. Essentially joint venture partners are affiliates on steroids. For this reason I will spend more time with joint venture partners and help them maximize their sales. I strongly suggest you do the same thing.
Joint venture partners will generally make you more money since they have bigger lists, a better reputation or they will do additional work to make the promotion a success for you.
If you are trying to woo an extremely successful joint venture partner you may want to give him a higher commission rate or even a 100% commission if you are certain that you will be following up with your new list of customers.
I'd also suggest having an affiliate contest and doing reciprocal mailings for your top joint venture partners.
In conclusion you are going to want to have both affiliates and joint venture partners ? but for the mean time I'd suggest focusing your attention to joint venture partners because they can exponentially build your business.
The 4 Ways You Can Use To Contact Joint Venture Partners
Quality joint venture partners are hit up all the time. Here are four ways I have used to contact potential joint venture partners to promote products. You can use these same methods to contact them.
Keep in mind this is always a numbers game and you will receive a lot of rejection. They aren't necessarily rejecting you or your product they could be over committed or simply don't promote others.
Here's a tip for getting more joint venture partners. When you get a new joint venture partner ask them for referrals and then contact those people and say ?(Name), thought you'd want in on this?? People seem to like this approach and it has worked very well for me.
1. Email
This is one of the easiest and least time consuming ways of contacting JV partners, however many of them receive offers via email and most will not respond
2. Call
A lot of successful JV's are lined up via a phone call. I was asked to write this section based off of a phone conversation.
3. Instant Message
If you already have a relationship an instant messenger conversation is an easy way to discuss your joint venture.
4. Snail Mail
Simply mail them a postcard, a letter or a copy of your product and promotional materials for the help This can add up very quickly but if you are promoting a big-ticket item this is the way most successful marketers go about acquiring JV's.