The truth of the matter is that regardless of whom your potential partner may be - whether they're an ezine publisher, a competing business owner or even if they're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company ? they're all going to be asking themselves the same question when they receive your proposal:
Make an offer they can't refuse. Again, this will also take some research, but within reason, a totally overwhelming joint venture proposal you should bend over backwards to accommodate your potential partner and make it as profitable for them as possible. Remember that the clients you acquire from a joint venture will purchase from you again and again ? and it's usually the ?backend profits? after the JV where the real money gets made...
Make it as easy as possible for them to say ?yes?. People in general are obnoxiously lazy. Many of my proposals have been rejected simply because it either seemed too complicated ? or it sounded like too much work to them, for more details visit to regardless of how lucrative it was. Simplify your proposal, and if necessary, take on the majority of the workload ? remember that you're sitting on a goldmine!
Show them the money. Don't be vague when it comes to potential earnings. Logically explain to your prospect how much they could reasonably earn from the partnership. It is very important that you do not simply make an ?educated guess? ? base your predictions entirely on your current marketing stats, sales conversion rates and other real data. This is likely the most overlooked ? yet crucial ? part of any given JV proposal.
Be personal. A ?canned? or impersonal proposal likely won't even make it more than ten seconds before getting tossed in the garbage. Relate to your prospect and emphasize their values by validating their interests, goals and passions. Also, if you want to really make an impact, send your proposal as a hard copy via FedEx. Email is simply too easy to ignore, erase or forget about.
Add a real sense of urgency. You want to subtly hint to your potential partner that you won't wait long to hear back from them ? which is true, because if they say ?no?, you'll have to find someone else anyway. You can also go to Word this in such a way that it compels them to action either way ? but don't be overbearing, deceptive or unrealistic.
And most importantly, build rapport with your prospect. You must understand that the majority of business people ? especially those that are very successful ? would much rather work with someone that they know, like and trust than a complete stranger. In fact, it's crucial that you do this before you even send them a proposal...
Well, there you go.
You now have everything you need to start easily persuading potential partners to do business with you ? as well as putting together some obscenely profitable joint ventures.
Apply these tactics to your own business development strategy and watch your response rates skyrocket!