A couple of days ago I was asked a very interesting question, the answer of which you might also want to know. So, the question was: "I want to create a joint venture partnership with people I encounter on article directories. However, there are so many and different people there and I can't make up my mind who is worth pursuing and who isn't". Well, the question is a really interesting one and here is my answer:
That's correct - when there are so many different kinds on people on article directories, you need to find a way to filter the reliable guys from the unreliable ones. I myself have developed a whole filtering system and one of the first rules is about the vibes I get from the other person - are the vibes good or bad? Also, are they looking for a long-term cooperation or not?
Long-term cooperation is what interests me. I don't look for short relationships because I hate when we are together for a few weeks and then everything is over. Long-term cooperation is what matters for me most. Besides, I always dig to see if the people, for more details visit to www.joint-venture-guide.com who I am considering as potential partners have experience - i.e. if they have had past partnerships and if they did - how was it? I sometimes even get in touch with former partners of the people I am interested in doing business with.
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by a very well-know marketer. He wanted me to be an affiliate manager for him. The first thing I did after our first conversation was over was to contact an acquaintance I knew had worked with him in the past. My acquaintance told me many things about my potential partner and this information was more than useful to me.
In addition to past experience, for more details visit to www.jointwebventures.com another important filtering criterion is how your potential partners market to their customers. Join their list and you will learn the answer. You will also learn how they communicate with their subscribers. Joining their list will send you vibes, so you will know how you feel about them - do you like them or not.
Another suggestion I can give is to become a customer of the people you are interested in. I guess this might be an extra mile to go but it will give you hands-on experience about the way they treat their customers.
A tested way to make an estimate about the potential JV's conversion is to become an affiliate of theirs. When you join their affiliate program, you will get personal experience about how much traffic you can send to their site and how well their product sells. It is important to know if you are dealing with a best-selling product or not, so just join their affiliate program and you will know the answer.