A collective investment scheme is one of the most effective ways of investment with others to be a part of a broader spectrum of investment options. An individual investor would have found it difficult otherwise.
REITs make investments in real estate. Real estate investment trust is something that is difficult to understand although it is an easy concept. The money of an investor in an investment trust is grouped together. This is done from the sale of a particular number of shares issued by a trust after it first launches it.
The responsibility of investing in the shares and stocks of other companies are given to a trustee or a fund manager by the board. The number and magnitude of these investments exceeds the range, which makes people capable of investing in them by themselves.
Sometimes, an investment trust is run by a board of directors that is made up of non-executive directors. These investment trusts do not have any employees working there excepting the board of directors.
With the advent of commercial property trusts and private equity groups, a change has come around whereby these companies make use of investment trusts like a holding mechanism. These investment trusts have the freedom to borrow money for purchasing shares and stock. However, in such a case, the risk factor for the investor increases.
The investment trusts conduct trading on stock exchanges whereby the price of every single share of stock, or the share price, does not give a reflection of the inherent value of the share portfolio that is held by the investment trust. The investment trust in this case is denoted as trading at a discounted rate in comparison to the net asset value of the trust on the exchange.
Often, this becomes very beneficial for those investors who are looking forward to gather a huge amount of stocks before they resort to sell and reap the profits.
REITs are there in the real estate market for a long time. For them, many are earning great deals from their investment into the real estate area with low risk and high returns. The collective investment scheme into real estate has made it possible to generate huge profit from commercial estate in this manner.