In this article I want to talk about developing relationships with joint venture partners/mentors. It is very important if you are looking to learn from high, world-class mentors, and work with them in joint venture projects. These are some low-cost - actually zero cost - ways to develop relationships with these types of people.
Firstly, this is the clincher. Make sure you write it down in capital letters in bright red marker. Participate. That is the word you have to write down. When given the opportunity, participate.
When I first started, nobody knew me from a fly on the wall. The first time that I went to the John Childers' Million Dollar Speaker training, he taught me a very important lesson in business. He said, "It's not what you know or who you know. It's who knows you."
My whole point here is get known. Your mentors and possible future joint venture partners will give you all kinds of opportunity to 'participate' so take advantage of it.
Here's an example. When they ask for feedback on various projects, or they have questions for their E-mail list, or something of that nature, give feedback. Ask questions. Provide insights. Participate in that whole experience. The more you participate, the more they get to know you. That's very crucial.
A lot of people underestimate this next tip. Provide testimonials. Not just 'normal' testimonials, but the best one you have ever given. Make sure you send a picture to go a long with it as well that they can use.
In fact, send testimonials even when no one has asked for them. Do you know how many times I have done that and then been put up on their websites? This is a strategy that I learned from Alex Mandossian.
As I was looking around on websites when I first started I noticed that Alex Mandossian seemed to be on all of them giving a testimonial. How effective do you think this strategy was for him?
Later I found out that he was getting all kinds of leads sent to his website and to his business through the use of putting up testimonials on other people's websites. You've got to learn to give really good testimonials. Even give them when they are not asked for.
An example of a good testimonial is one that is specific and relevant to a measurable benefit.
A quick example of a good testimonial could be heard from a gentleman who was one of the winners of a testimonials contest for a recent teleseminar of mine. What was so good about it was that he made sure he included his name, where he was calling from and gave a specific benefit that he received from the teleseminar.
When you give good testimonials it will get posted on people's websites and when you send a picture along with it, it is likely they will also include your website link. By having your information on other people's websites it will help you generate traffic, which will only benefit your business.
Secondly, this will only help to develop your relationship with your mentors and hopefully future joint venture partners.
Here's another strategy: Participate in forums. Many people have their own forum. There's all kinds of forums out there online in just about every kind of industry.
Seek out forums that you want to participate in, doesn't matter if you're in that market or not. You can write about anything you really want in these forums - give lots of tips, resources, content. It is all about getting yourself known.
The other thing I want you to do is read people's newsletters and scour those newsletters for important and personal insights and details.
Here is some ideas of the things you should be looking for. Birth dates, whether it is the person writing the newsletter, their wife, or kids. Keep a note of the birthdays and send them a happy birthday E-mail, card, or even an audio postcard.
Use these important dates to build up your relationship with them. Any dates from their anniversary to product launch dates are all things you should be looking for and making a note of.
Always look to offer help to your mentors or future joint venture partners. You wouldn't believe the response that you will get when you ask somebody if there's anything that you can do to help them in their business.
When asking if they need help, it will work even better if you ask to help with something specific you know they have coming up in their buisness. If they have a product launch, or seminar, or anything really, coming up and you ask to help them with that they will now known you've been paying attention to their business. This will not only surpise them, but will make you stand out and become a memorable name in their mind.
Another trick I've used is to send some information to these people that might be of value to them. Look to constantly build a good relationship with these people. These strategies are not rocket science. These are simple strategies, but nobody uses them.
Whatever you find that makes you think they could use, send it to them. I've sent articles that I thought they could use, newspaper clippings. Off-line and on-line tools is another thing I look for. Any web links that would help their buisness. All I do once I find something is shoot them an email saying, "Hey, I think this might be of value to you."
One thing you want to make sure you don't do is include affiliate links or anything like that. Focus on only sending them information that will be of value to them.
Your focus is on building a relationship and providing value - not making a quick buck. They'll see right through that and you'll ruin any chance of a long-term relationship.
Those are all strategies that I've used and then I leverage those efforts in to all kinds of great relationships with all my mentors, and future joint venture partners. It's resulted in all kinds of projects with all these people. It's just amazing what will happen when you focus on building a foundation with all of these individuals.